living for eternity today

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Stop Non-Viting and Start Inviting

The need for evangelism in churches has never been greater. People are desperate for hope, searching for meaning, and drowning in the chaos of life. The church has the answer: Jesus. Yet, too often, we fumble the ball when it comes to the most crucial part—inviting people into the life-changing power of the Gospel.

Too many believers think they’re doing evangelism when they say, “You should come sometime.” That’s not evangelism. That’s not even inviting. It’s non-viting.

Non-Vitation: The Lazy Evangelism Killer

Non-vitation is the ultimate cop-out. It sounds good in the moment, but it’s vague, noncommittal, and accomplishes nothing. You know the line, maybe you’ve even used it:

  • “You should come to my church sometime.”
  • “We’ve got great messages; you’d like them.”
  • “Yeah, my church is doing some cool stuff. You should check it out.”

The problem? There’s no invitation! No date, no time, no event, no urgency. You might as well be inviting them to the grand opening of a coffee shop that doesn’t exist.

Non-vitation is why people nod politely and then never show up. It’s why churches see empty pews and declining attendance. It’s why the Gospel is sitting on the sidelines while the world spirals out of control.

Invitation: The Evangelism Game-Changer

It’s time to ditch non-vitation and embrace invitation. Invitation is specific, personal, and compelling. It’s not “you should come sometime.” It’s “Hey, I’d love for you to join me this Sunday at 10:30. We’re talking about hope in hard times, and I think it could really encourage you.”

But invitation doesn’t stop there. It’s not just about getting them in the door. It’s about being there for them when they show up and investing in the relationship. If you invite someone to church, make sure you’re available to meet them at the entrance. Sit with them. Explain what’s happening in the service. And when it’s over, join them for lunch. That’s how relationships are built. That’s how the Gospel becomes real to someone.

I mean look – Jesus didn’t say, “Hey, you should come check out the kingdom of God sometime.” He said, “Come, follow me.” His invitations were personal and direct. They required a response. And guess what? People followed.

Why Evangelism Matters Now More Than Ever

The need for evangelism in churches has never been more urgent. Our world is fractured. Families are struggling. Anxiety, depression, and hopelessness are at an all-time high. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.

Evangelism isn’t just a “nice idea” or a box to check on your Christian to-do list. It’s the heartbeat of the church. Without it, we’re just a holy huddle, a club for the already-convinced.

People need Jesus, and they need you to invite them to meet Him. That’s not someone else’s job. It’s yours. If you’re waiting for a sign, this is it.

Three Steps to Stop Non-Viting and Start Inviting

  1. Be Specific:
    Stop being vague. Name a date, a time, and a place. “Come to Easter service at 9 AM,” or “Join me for our family movie night this Friday.” Make it easy for people to say yes.
  2. Be Personal:
    People don’t just want generic flyers or mass emails. They want you. A personal invitation from someone they know and trust is 10 times more powerful than any social media post or billboard.
  3. Be Relational:
    Don’t stop at the invite. Free up your schedule to be there when they arrive. Sit with them. Answer their questions. Take them to lunch afterward and build the relationship. Evangelism isn’t just about attendance; it’s about connection.

Every non-vitation is a missed opportunity. Every vague, half-hearted “you should come sometime” leaves someone stuck in their pain and searching for answers. That’s the cost of non-vitation.

But the reward of invitation? Lives changed. Hearts healed. Families restored. That’s what happens when you step up and say, “Come and see.”

Let’s Get Serious

Friends, we can’t afford to sit back and hope people wander in. We can’t rely on programs, social media ads, or the “cool factor” to do the work for us. Evangelism is our job. Discipleship isn’t discipleship without inviting others into the journey.

So stop non-viting. Start inviting. Be specific. Be personal. Be relational. The world is waiting, and Jesus is ready to change lives.

What are you waiting for? Make the invitation today.

The Wildfires in LA: A Call to Prayer

The wildfires in Los Angeles right now feel like something out of a nightmare. The sky glows red, and thick, choking smoke hangs over neighborhoods. It’s devastating. As of today, over 27,000 acres have been burned to ash. Families have fled their homes—more than 137,000 people evacuated. And some haven’t been as lucky. At least five lives have been lost, with others injured and fighting to recover.

Think about that for a moment: homes reduced to rubble, entire neighborhoods gone, and thousands of people unsure where they’ll sleep tonight. Over 2,000 buildings have been destroyed or severely damaged. This isn’t just news. It’s personal. Every destroyed home represents a family—moms, dads, kids—trying to figure out what’s next.

The fire itself is relentless, fueled by high winds and the dry conditions California knows all too well. First responders are fighting around the clock, putting their lives on the line to save others. These firefighters are heroes, but they’re tired. They’re human. They need support, and so do the countless families waiting for the all-clear to return to what’s left of their homes.

What can we do when the destruction feels this overwhelming? For starters, we can pray.

It sounds cliche but prayer is the most powerful thing we have in our tool bag as followers of Jesus. Prayer isn’t just a way to hide from real help. Prayer connects us to the true help needed in this time. Prayer isn’t an excuse to not get involved. Prayer is the first way we should all get involved. Pray first. Then act.

Pray for those who’ve lost loved ones—that they would find comfort in their unimaginable grief. Pray for those who’ve been displaced, that they would find shelter, support, and hope to start rebuilding. Pray for the firefighters and first responders on the frontlines, that they’d have strength, protection, and encouragement to keep going.

And don’t forget to pray for healing—for the scorched land, for the devastated communities, and for the lives forever changed by this disaster.

It’s hard not to feel helpless when the news flashes images of fire tearing through homes and forests. But prayer is powerful. It’s not a last resort; it’s a lifeline. When we pray, we’re lifting others into God’s hands. We’re calling on Him to do what we can’t—to bring peace, restoration, and hope.

Stories of courage are already emerging, even in the midst of the chaos. Neighbors are opening their doors to strangers. Churches and communities are rallying to provide food, water, and shelter. People are showing up for each other in ways that remind us: even in the darkest times, there’s light.

These stories are a glimpse of what God can do through us. Prayer isn’t passive; it’s an invitation to action. After we pray, let’s ask, “What else can I do?” Maybe it’s donating to relief efforts, checking on someone affected, or simply sharing words of encouragement.

Let’s keep praying. For the grieving. For the displaced. For the responders. For the healing of the land and its people.

And let’s hold onto hope—the kind of hope that only God can provide. The fires are raging, but they won’t last forever. And in the ashes, there’s the promise of rebuilding, of renewal, of life springing up again.

Because with God, there’s always hope. Always.

You Attract Who You Are, Not Who You Want to Be

The life you’re living, the relationships you’re building, and the people you’re surrounded by are not random. They’re a mirror. Not of who you wish you were, but of who you actually are.

Some of us need to read that again. Here’s another way to say it.

You don’t attract the people or circumstances you dream about; you attract the ones that resonate with the person you’ve become. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but it’s also the wake-up call most of us need.

“Wanting” Isn’t Enough

We all have big dreams. Maybe you want to surround yourself with healthy, driven, God-centered people. Maybe you’re praying for a partner who’s spiritually mature, compassionate, and ambitious. But here’s the kicker: simply wanting those things isn’t enough.

Imagine you’re in a coffee shop, sitting across from the person you want to become. That person exudes kindness, confidence, and discipline. Now imagine that person looking at you. Do they see someone who’s walking in alignment with those qualities? Or do they see someone just wishing for them?

The truth is, the gap between who you are and who you want to be isn’t closed by hope—it’s closed by transformation. It takes work and self discipline.

The Hard Truth About Self-Awareness

If you’re frustrated by your current circle or circumstances, it’s time to look in the mirror. Are you stuck in toxic relationships? Do you feel like you’re surrounded by people who don’t share your values or energy? That’s not always just about them. It’s often about you. Trust me I’ve preached this message to myself before typing it so it’s not intended to be condemning rather eye opening.

Proverbs 27:19 puts it plainly: “As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.” Your life is a direct reflection of what’s in your heart—your fears, your habits, your priorities. If you’re not seeing what you want in the people around you, it’s often a neon sign pointing back to areas in your own life that need some attention.

It’s not about judgment; it’s about alignment.

The brutal reality is that people don’t flock to what you say you want to be—they’re drawn to who you are. If you’re complaining that you’re stuck in shallow friendships, ask yourself if you’ve been a deep friend to someone else. If you’re complaining about a lack of spiritual depth in your life, how consistent have you been in your own time with God?

You attract the energy you emit. That’s not some fluffy, self-help nonsense. It’s biblical. Galatians 6:7 reminds us: “A man reaps what he sows.” If you want to be surrounded by people who inspire you, you have to sow seeds of inspiration in your own life, and in the lives of others.

Want to attract people who prioritize growth? Then you better be actively growing. Want relationships centered on grace and love? Then start showing grace and love, even when it’s inconvenient or uncomfortable.

It’s About Alignment

When you begin to live in alignment with your values and your faith, something incredible happens: you stop chasing the wrong things. You no longer feel the need to “force” connections or relationships because the right ones naturally flow into your life.

Think about Jesus. He didn’t chase people down, begging them to follow Him. His life, His character, and His mission attracted people who were hungry for truth, healing, and purpose. The Pharisees, on the other hand, couldn’t handle Him because their hearts weren’t aligned with His.

Who you are attracts or repels people in the same way.

Five Tips To Live In Alignment

So, how do you attract better? How do you align with the person you want to be?

  1. Audit Your Habits: What you consistently do shapes who you are. Are your daily habits leading you closer to the life and relationships you want, or are they dragging you further away?
  2. Evaluate Your Inner Circle: Your closest relationships influence your mindset and behaviors more than you realize. If your circle isn’t challenging you to grow, it’s time to level up.
  3. Do the Hard Work: Growth isn’t always glamorous. It’s waking up early to pray, apologizing when you mess up, and choosing discipline over comfort. It’s forgiving the person who hurt you and choosing joy when life feels heavy.
  4. Anchor Yourself in God’s Word: You can’t transform without God. Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” If you want to attract God-honoring people and opportunities, you need to walk the path He’s lighting for you.
  5. Be Patient: Change takes time. You won’t attract a whole new circle overnight, but little by little, as you grow, your environment will shift.

You don’t attract what you want; you attract who you are. So if you’re tired of the same old patterns and relationships, stop looking outward and start looking inward.

Be the person you’d want to meet. Live the life you’d want to join. And most importantly, align yourself with the One who transforms hearts and renews minds. When you do, you won’t have to chase what you desire—it will find you.

The question isn’t, “Who do I want to attract?” The question is, “Who am I becoming?”

3 Ways to End the Year with Grace

As the year winds down, it’s natural to reflect on the 12 months that are now in the rearview mirror. For some of us, it feels like we just blinked and suddenly December is over! For others, this year might have felt like climbing a steep hill—slow and challenging. Wherever you land on that spectrum, the way we end one year and begin another matters more than we might realize. It sets the tone for our lives, families, and our faith journeys.

Here are three simple ways to finish this year well and start the new one on the right foot (or the left one if you’d prefer):

1. Reflect and Celebrate God’s Faithfulness

Psalm 77:11 says, “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.” (ESV) Reflection is a spiritual discipline that allows us to pause and recognize God’s faithfulness in our lives. Even in the hardest seasons, there are moments of grace worth celebrating.

Take some time this week to write down your “God Moments” from the year. Maybe it was an answered prayer, a new relationship, or even finding peace in a difficult situation. Share these moments with your family or friends. Celebrate them! I’ve heard it said that we replicate what we celebrate.

Ending the year in gratitude prepares our hearts to embrace the new year with hope and trust in God’s continued faithfulness. Gratitude isn’t just a nice idea—it’s a transformative practice that reshapes how we see the world and God’s work in it.

2. Clear the Clutter

Hebrews 12:1 reminds us to “lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely.” (ESV) That’s not just a verse for Lent; it’s an invitation for daily living. As you prepare to step into the new year, consider what might be cluttering your life—both spiritually and physically.

Spiritually, is there unforgiveness you need to let go of? Habits that pull you away from God? Relationships that need mending? Take time to pray and release those burdens to God.

Physically, go through that closet, garage, or junk drawer you’ve been avoiding. It’s amazing how decluttering our spaces can create mental clarity and a sense of renewal. Plus, donating items you no longer need blesses others and reflects Christ’s generosity.

Starting the year with a clean heart and clean spaces makes room for God to do new and exciting things in your life.

3. Set Intentional Goals with God in the Center

Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” (ESV) Goals are great, but goals without God’s guidance often leave us feeling frustrated or aimless. As you look ahead, take some time to pray over your plans for the new year.

What areas of your life need more of God’s presence? Maybe you want to deepen your prayer life, read through the Bible, or serve in a new ministry at church. Write down your goals and ask God to lead you in them. Don’t forget to include your family in this process. Talk about what goals you can pursue together, like family devotions or serving your neighborhood. Then share them with someone who can hold you accountable. A goal worth making is a goal worth accomplishing!

And remember: grace over perfection. The goal isn’t to have it all figured out by January 1st or December 31st for that matter. It’s to walk faithfully with Jesus one step at a time.

Looking Ahead

As we prepare to welcome a new year, let’s do so with hearts full of gratitude, lives freed from clutter, and goals anchored in God’s plans. No matter what this past year has held, God has been with us every step of the way, and His promises remain sure as we step into the future.

May this be the year where we grow deeper in our faith, love our neighbors more intentionally, and see God work in ways we couldn’t even imagine. Let’s finish strong and step boldly into what God has for us next.

Happy New Year, friends! Let’s make it one that honors Him in every way.

Merry Christmas

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, I find myself overflowing with gratitude for each of you. This past year, we’ve seen God’s hand moving powerfully in and through our church family. Together, we’ve lived out our mission to help busy families experience the grace of Jesus, and we’ve done so in ways that truly embody the joy and hope of this Christmas season.

This year has been one of growth and transformation. Our worship services continue to bring strangers into our community, and we’ve watched them become family. Our KidConnect Worship and Littles Connect Sunday school have taken on a new face, introducing more young hearts to Jesus’ love. We’ve supported parents with new ministries, and Delco Youth is reaching more young people than ever, helping them find meaning and hope in Christ. These aren’t just ministries—they’re evidence of God at work.

We’ve also laid some strong foundations for the future. With three full-time and one part-time staff members, our team is more equipped than ever to meet the needs of our growing church family. We’ve also been actively preparing for some significant ministry enhancements, which will serve both our members and our wider community. Our focus on families reflects a heart for bringing people closer to Jesus.

As we look forward, I’m excited about the blessings God has in store for us at Living Word Galena. Our vision to become a community focused church is coming to life. I see it in every smile, every hug, every handshake, and every story of transformation shared within these walls. The new year holds so much potential—not just in numbers, but in lives changed by the grace of Jesus.

Christmas reminds us that God stepped into our world to bring hope, peace, love, and joy. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, let’s also celebrate the ways we’ve seen His light shine through our church family this year. Thank you for being part of this mission, for your prayers, your service, and your love for one another.

May this Christmas season be filled with His presence and the new year overflow with His blessings.

Pastor Derrick

Heavenly Peace

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests.” The angels’ message wasn’t just a song—it was a proclamation that Jesus came to bring peace between God and man.

The peace those angels announced is more than the absence of war. It’s not the elimination of stress. It’s the deep, abiding peace of knowing you’re loved by God and safe in His hands. It’s the kind of peace that lets you smile through a burnt pie or a delayed package because your heart is secure in Christ.

Reflection: How can you live out the angels’ proclamation of peace in your daily life?

Application: Join the angels’ song! Let your life proclaim God’s glory and His peace to everyone around you.

More Than Wrapping Paper and Eggnog

Every year, Christmas rolls around with its usual fanfare: twinkling lights, jingle bells, peppermint mochas, and of course, the annual question of what exactly is Aunt Edna allergic to again? While these traditions are great, they can sometimes overshadow the deeper meaning of Christmas. So let’s strip away the tinsel, and get to the heart of it: Christmas is about the ultimate gift—the birth of Jesus as our Savior.

The Real Reason for the Season

In Luke 2:10-11, the angel announces to the shepherds:
“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.”

Christmas is the story of how God didn’t just hang out in the comfort of heaven but stepped into our messy, chaotic world. Jesus came to save us from sin, restore our relationship with God, and bring hope to a weary world. Spoiler alert: this is way more important than whether or not your Amazon packages arrive on time.

John 3:16 sums it up: For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

God didn’t just send a card or a gift basket; He sent His Son. Jesus is the ultimate gift—better than the sweater you’ll get from your grandma (even if it has sequins).

So, What Does Christmas Mean for Us?

It’s easy to nod along and say, “Yes I know, Christmas is about Jesus,” but what does that look like in your daily life? Here are three practical applications to help you live out the true meaning of Christmas this season:

1. Celebrate with Purpose

Christmas isn’t just a time to throw a great party (although those can be fun). It’s a chance to reflect on God’s gift to us and share that joy with others. Start a tradition of reading the Christmas story as a family (Luke 2:1-20 is a great place to start). Or maybe pause before tearing into the presents to thank God for the gift of His Son.

Most definitely enjoy those festivities! Jesus didn’t come so we’d be miserable; He came so we’d have joy. Go ahead and eat that extra Christmas cookie, but let your joy come from something deeper than frosting. And that’s saying something! I’ve seen how much frosting some of you blob on your cookies.

2. Be a Giver, Not Just a Getter

God gave us His best in Jesus. Following His example means shifting our focus from what we want to how we can bless others.

This doesn’t have to mean maxing out your credit card. It could look like giving your time, lending a listening ear, or even forgiving someone who’s hurt you. After all, Jesus didn’t wait for us to deserve His gift before giving it.

Acts 20:35 reminds us: It is more blessed to give than to receive.

3. Shine Jesus’ Light even in the Chaos

Ok let’s face it—Christmas can bring out the best and worst in people. (If you’ve ever been elbowed in a Black Friday sale, you know what I mean.) Followers of Jesus are called to be light in the darkness and the chaos.

What if you used the long checkout line as a chance to show patience? Or reached out to someone who’s lonely this season? Even a simple “Merry Christmas” with a smile can point someone to the joy of Jesus.

Matthew 5:16 says: Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Don’t let the busyness of the season snuff out the light of Christ in you.

Keeping Christ in Christmas

In the end, the true meaning of Christmas isn’t found in perfect decorations, one of those Pinterest-worthy dinners, or even the Hallmark Channel’s latest movie marathon. It’s found in the humble birth of Jesus—a Savior who came for you and me.

So this Christmas, just keep it simple. Celebrate Jesus with joy. Give like He gave. Shine His light wherever you go. And if your turkey burns or the kids knock over the tree? Laugh it off and remember: the first Christmas happened in a stable.

Now that’s a reminder to keep things in perspective.

Merry Christmas!

Prince of Peace

Christmas can often times feel anything but peaceful. Between crowded stores, tangled lights, and family squabbles, “peace on earth” might sound like wishful thinking. But Isaiah reminds us that Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He ushers in a peace that allows the crowds, lights, and squabbles to have a different kind of hit.

Jesus didn’t come to fix the chaos of our to-do lists—He came to bring peace to our hearts. His peace goes beyond temporary calm; it’s the assurance that no matter what happens, God is in control. Imagine the stillness of that first Christmas night—the Prince of Peace, born in a stable, quietly changing the world.

Reflection: Where do you need the Prince of Peace to bring calm this season?

Application: Pause. Take a deep breath, and invite Jesus’ peace to settle over your heart in the middle of the busyness.

Heavenly Joy

We know what Christmas looks like on earth. Trees and lights and songs and wreaths but what about from heaven’s perspective? Revelation 12 gives us a behind-the-scenes glimpse of Christmas. While Mary gave birth in a humble stable, heaven was celebrating the arrival of the Child who would defeat evil forever. It’s like a cosmic victory party, with angels cheering and joy flowing like waves through all of eternity.

That joy isn’t just reserved for angels and heavenly choirs. It’s ours too. Jesus’ birth wasn’t just an event in history; it was the start of a revolution of hope, love, and salvation. Heaven’s joy invites us to join the celebration here on Earth.

Reflection: How can you make room for heaven’s joy in your heart this Christmas?

Application: Celebrate big! Bake cookies, light candles, and share the story of Jesus with someone. Heaven’s joy is too good to keep to yourself.

Joy-filled Suffering

Joy in suffering? At first, it sounds as out of place as a snowstorm in July. But Paul shows us that even in hardship, joy is possible because suffering produces perseverance, character, and hope.

The Christmas story isn’t free from struggle. Mary and Joseph faced rejection and uncertainty, yet their journey brought them to the joy of Jesus. Advent reminds us that joy isn’t found in perfect circumstances—it’s found in knowing Jesus is with us, even in life’s messiest moments. And it’s even better when we have a church family that’s willing to meet us in that very same messiness of life.

Reflection: How can you lean into joy, even when life feels hard this season?

Application: Look for glimpses of Christ’s presence in your challenges. Joy isn’t the absence of struggle; it’s the presence of hope in the midst of struggle.

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