living for eternity today

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Learning From The Master

As we wrapped up 2023, I took a few of these posts to define Discipleship and discuss what Discipleship was not. Then we looked at the qualifications for being a disciple.

Now that we’ve turned the page on the calendar and have opened up a brand new year of possibilities, it’s time to dig in a little deeper into this idea of discipleship and spiritual formation. This will hopefully be the Friday rhythm for 2024 (only time will tell how well I hold to this schedule).

If we’re going to get started getting serious about discipleship, then we should probably start by taking a look at the master. I mean after all, the only way to be great at something is to follow the one who was the best at it. Right?

And since I’m a pastor and the whole topic of discipleship is a biblical one, you probably already guessed who the master is. But for those of you who are a bit late to the party, his name is Jesus. He kind of wrote the book on discipleship. Literally.

So Jesus was a real guy, very few people argue about that one. And for those of us who call ourselves followers of Jesus, we believe that he was also the Son of God. There’s also some pretty stark evidence to that fact as well. Regardless of what you believe about Jesus, pretty much everyone can agree that he had a pretty stellar way of doing life. I mean, if he wasn’t the Son of God and yet got thousands of people to follow him, then he’s probably pretty good at getting people on board with his way of thinking.

How did he do it? I mean, the whole discipleship thing. Remember the definition I work with is that Discipleship is the process of being transformed into the image of Christ for the sake of others. With that in mind, how did Jesus get the people of his day to actually follow him closely enough to want to do what he did.

Think about the story in the Bible of Jesus walking on the water. He’s out there for a nice evening stroll across the water by himself. His disciples are in the boat trying to get through the head wind, when one of them sees him. Not knowing what was going on and realizing that water walking was not a normal part of life, they kind of freaked out. Then Peter, the kind of rash one, asked Jesus to call him to the water.

Wait! Did you hear that? If it’s you, Jesus, call me to come to you. What would make a man who knows how water works, want to attempt to walk on water? He probably didn’t have the class on the idea of buoyancy, but he still knew that people did not walk on water. So why?

It’s the discipleship done the Jesus way. He didn’t coerce people to follow him. He didn’t bait and switch them. He didn’t try to sell them on anything fancy. He just said Come. Follow me. That’s it.

I think a huge part of discipleship the Jesus way, is about authenticity and integrity. These two words really go hand in hand and will likely make it to the word of the week post in the near future. The long and short of these two ideas is that he was real. He was the same in public and in private. And the disciples saw that. The men and women of his day saw that. And they were attracted to the realism of that way of life. There are plenty of fakes out there, so it makes sense to want to model your life after someone who is real.

The other part of it was that Jesus cared. So much of our discipleship ideology in today’s church culture is about classes and rituals. Not so much with Jesus. He wanted people to know how much he cared. He did it by being where the people were. Getting his hands dirty. Serving the people no one wanted to serve.

If we’re going to learn from the Master and do discipleship the Jesus way, then we need to start with knowing who we are and actually caring about the people in the world around us. If we start with caring, and I mean genuinely caring, then we’ll be leaps and bounds ahead of where we are now. By the way, genuinely caring means we don’t just say we care. It means we do something with that care and compassion. That’s a great start at discipleship the Jesus way.

A new weekly rhythm

This year I’m trying to be more intentional about my writing. Some have said they enjoy having a place to disconnect from the stuff of life, so enjoy. Part of this new rhythm of writing intentionality will hopefully include a weekly devotion. We’ll cover all sorts of devotion-y topics. Things like prayer and bible study and transformation and who knows what. It’s still early in the year! Today though we talk prayer.

We’ll call this devotional thought Unleashing the power of prayer. Wow the title just sounds cool doesn’t it!?

I have a quilt in my house that my grandma started to make for my wife and I before we got married. Since she died before I got married, my wife’s grandma finished it. It’s a pretty cool gift that we don’t really use because I don’t want it to get ruined.

If you’ve ever looked at a quilt, you know there are patches of fabric sewn together to form a cool tapestry of shapes and colors. If we were to imagine our lives to be a tapestry like this, we would see that prayer is the thread that holds it all together. Weaving into this piece and out of that one, the prayers of our lives tie all the sorted and disjointed pieces into one beautiful whole. Often though the prayers go unseen and forgotten.

The power of our prayers isn’t in the cool words we use or the big theological terms. We don’t need to quote a bunch of bible verses or shout really loud. God’s actually close than you think and he does not have a hearing problem.

The power of prayer is found in the little pieces of our lives that we bring and the one to whom we bring them. Prayer is a sacred conversation with the God of the universe. (no not a conversation with the universe but the one who made the universe – big distinction!)

Matthew 21:21-22 in a paraphrased way say If you have faith and do not doubt, whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive. This is huge! First of all it’s not saying you’ll get a new car if you just pray hard enough. It’s saying that if you have faith in God and don’t doubt the power found in Jesus, then you’ll pray for the right things and you’ll see those things come about.

The power of prayer is a pretty cool thing that we often overlook. We tuck prayer away as that thing we do when we have a big test coming up, or before we go in for surgery. We have no problem praying when the car is sliding out of control on icy roads. We don’t even mind saying a quick “atta boy Jesus” when we score the game winning touchdown.

But the power of prayer isn’t found as much in the touchdown Jesus moments, good scores on test or everything going perfect days. The power of prayer is best experienced in the regularity of the everyday. We find it in the ugh it’s Monday again moments in life.

So grab the quilt of your life, all the little pieces, no matter how torn or tattered. Bring them to God in prayer. Let him be the golden thread that binds your patchwork life together into a beautiful tapestry of faith. That’s how we can experience the power of prayer.


Accidents happen. I know that. Some accidents are pretty destructive. I remember getting a call one day that someone in my family was in an accident. I rushed to make sure everyone was ok. And sure enough all humans were fine, but the car…not so much. Accidents, in many cases, result in something getting broken, damaged, or disrupted.

But there are some things in life that are happy accidents. These are the kinds of things that happen accidentally and still end up leaving you better off than had they not happened. You leave late for work and end up just missing a crash at the end of your road. You drop something on the floor in your bedroom. And when you bend over to pick it up, you find the ring that you lost weeks ago.

Accidents come in all shapes and sizes. Some are good. Some not so good. And some downright terrible. But rarely does something get built by accident. Rarely do we make massive improvements without some form of a plan. Enter today’s word: intentionality.

Intentionality, by definition, means the fact or quality of being done on purpose or with intent.

That’s well and good but let’s simplify that a bit. Intentionality is doing something on purpose, in a manner that’s well thought out. Risks are calculated. Losses evaluated. Plan established. Steps mapped out. ON purpose. NOT on accident.

As we start a new year, many people are going to write some goals for 2024. Lose weight. Run longer distances. Save more money. Pay off debt. Eat healthier. Get an advanced degree. Graduate. Whatever the goal, or resolution, you’re not going to do this accidentally. You need some form of intentional plan to make it happen.

Let’s take lose weight as an example. You can’t just wake up one morning and say Today’s the day. I’m going to lose 25 pounds. Gain muscle mass. Lessen my waist size by 2 inches. Then expect the fat to magically melt away. You need some form of a plan and you have to be intentional about it!

You need to find a gym or get some workout gear. You need to dump the Doritos out and replace them with something that grows out of the ground, like celery. (By the way, just typing that sounds gross!) You need to get some workout clothes. Maybe talk to a friend who knows exercise or get a personal trainer or at least watch a YouTube video. You need to set an alarm to get up a little earlier. You should probably block off time on your calendar so nothing gets in the way. A menu plan should be created to make meal prepping a little easier. Packing up some healthy, grab and go kind of snacks will make this more of a reality as well.

You see it takes intentionality. You have to make a plan and set it in motion. Having a friend to hold you accountable is probably a really good idea. I know for myself, there are mornings I just don’t want to get out of bed to go workout. I mean I live 30 minutes from the gym. But I have a friend I meet there and I know if I don’t show up I leave him high and dry.

It’s not just with New Year’s resolutions though that we need to be intentional. It’s the same thing with our personal and professional development. Things don’t just happen accidentally. We need to be intentional.

As a pastor, I meet a lot of people who treat their faith like a happy accident waiting to happen. It’s like they think showing up for worship on a Sunday will get just enough Jesus on them to get them out of a bind. But that’s not how it works. You need to be intentional.

Story after story in the Bible shows us that our faith grows by being intentional. People have to take time to read what God says in the Bible before they can hear what he tells them in answers to prayers.

The same is true in leadership. We can’t lead accidentally. We need to be intentional. We need to make plans and do our best to stick to them, or communicate changes as they need to be made so people can keep following.

Intentionality is a massively powerful tool that everyone needs in their toolbox. You can’t oops I did it again your way through life. And yes that reference is for all of you pop music fans from the early 2000s.

The long and short here is take time to be intentional. Slow down. Map out the plan. Set some benchmarks. Bring in someone to hold you accountable. It may cost you some extra time, effort, or money now, but in the long run it will benefit you more than you can realize.

What Do You Do?

This is one of my least favorite questions ever. Inevitably I get asked this question by someone I’ve recently met or with whom I’m just getting a relationship built. And as soon as this question is answered, the conversation stops. I mean the conversation stops as abruptly as a car hitting a brick wall.

Part of the reason is my title. Some people have the title of CEO and it sounds all spicy and cool. Others have Officer or Engineer or Lead something or another. But my title is scary for some people. What do you do? I’m a pastor.

Insert the sound of a car screeching its tires coming to a stop.

The next thing that happens is one of three options. The least likely is for the person to say something like Oh that’s super cool! I’ve always wanted to know a pastor. Admittedly, this one is so unlikely that it’s never actually happened! But I guess it always could?

The next potential reaction would be for the conversation to just stop and the person to act like I no longer exist. This has actually happened a couple of times. It’s almost as if we’re having a great conversation. They find out I’m a pastor, and then I disappear. It’s like I vanish from their midst and they go on to something else like I’ve been transported through some wormhole into a different dimension of time and space. It’s a very uncomfortable feeling.

The most common reaction I get is Oh wow I’m sorry! As weird as this sounds, it always gives me a chuckle. You’re sorry? Really? For what? It’s not like someone held a gun to my head and told me to be a pastor or else. Actually I had a few people who tried to convince me to do something different with my life. What this question actually means however is Oh crap! I’m so sorry! I know I said something that probably offended you and now you’re going to say some magical phrase that’s going to get me banished to hell forever. Or something close to that anyway.

I think the problem is that people, and by people I mean those not connected to a church and those connected to a church, really don’t know what it means for a person to be a pastor. I don’t intend for that to be demeaning toward people by any means. It’s just most people have a pretty limited view of what a pastor does.

I’m the backside of many of those must be nice to only work one day a week kind of jokes. And yes I do know they are joking. But I also think it does show that many people, again both inside and outside of the church, don’t really know what it is that I do.

What do you do? Ok so let’s hit the obvious. I preach and teach about the Bible on Sunday. That’s kind of the given part of this whole scenario. What most people don’t know however is how long it takes to get ready for a given Sunday. I mean when I stand up front on a Sunday without notes and no cool teleprompter, there are 20+ hours that go into making that a reality. I could skimp on that and lessen the teaching but if I do that I should be fired. Without a script or anything it may look like I’m just winging it, but there’s a lot that goes into those couple of hours on a Sunday.

Add to that, there’s preparing small group material, overseeing other staff members, being a volunteer coordinator for over 150 volunteers throughout the year, party planner for those who want fun events but don’t know how to plan them, ensure that all the wheels are greased and running smoothly. Oh then there’s visiting those who are in hospitals and shut ins. Being involved in the community enough that the community knows we exist and are here for them. Did I mention being somewhat accessible nearly 24-7?

What do you do? Well, I’ve canceled vacations because someone has been on their deathbed. I hear some of the most awful stories of brokenness imaginable. Stories I can’t share with anyone, even my wife, because part of being a pastor is confidentiality and trust. I have to watch people say and do some pretty dumb things and not react too harshly in the moment. (sometimes I’m better at this than others).

What do you do? I get up a 2am when you’re having the worst night of your life. I come to your bedside when you’re terrified. I’m the one standing in the room when your loved one is struggling with their final moments. I’m there to carry you when your marriage is shattered. I shift my schedule to meet with you because you have a day job and my schedule is more flexible. I stand in the room with the lifeless body until the coroner comes. I hold in my emotions so you feel free to unload yours.

What do you do? My favorite is when people tell me they’ve just finished a long 3 week stretch of working 60 hours a week. I mean that can be tiring I’m sure. If I were to log my hours, I’d say more than 3 out of every 4 weeks I’m logging about 60. From time preparing sermons to praying for you, from practicing to preaching, from creating programs to coming in to pinch hit when someone can’t show up, from teaching at least 2 different groups on 2 different topics per week to so many more things that you’re already bored reading this.

What do you do? I carry the spiritual, emotional and at times physical needs of over 250 people. I take it very seriously. If you know me, then you know what I do is give up myself for those +/-250 people. And lest you think this is me complaining, let me be very clear. I choose to do it again year after year, month after month, week after week, day after day.

Being a pastor isn’t just what I do. It’s who I am. It’s not just a job. It’s my very calling. This is what I’ve been made to be. I could do a million other things, but none of them are what God made me to do. What do I do? Well, simply put, I’m a pastor. More than a job, this is my life. And I’m so honored to be able to do all of it.

The Song of Simeon

The common text for the week following Christmas is the presentation of Jesus in the temple. But why is this something important to study? Why does the church look at this particular section nearly every year after Christmas? What is there for us to learn from this passage? 

22 And when the time came for their purification according to the Law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord 23 (as it is written in the Law of the Lord, “Every male who first opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord”) 24 and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the Law of the Lord, “a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.” 25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. 26 And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. 27 And he came in the Spirit into the temple, and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of the Law, 28 he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said, 

 29  “Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word;  30  for my eyes have seen your salvation  31  that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,  32  a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel.” 

The time of purification according to the Law of Moses would have been at 8 days old. This was the time of circumcision for a boy. It was also the time given in Leviticus 12 for how long it would take for a woman to be clean after giving birth. Remember there were some tremendously detailed rules for how a person was to do rituals of cleaning. 

When she comes to present the child in the temple and present herself clean after the days of her purification, she is to bring a lamb and a pair of turtle doves. There was a provision made however for those who couldn’t afford the lamb. They were just bound to bring the turtle doves. And this is exactly what Mary and Joseph did in our text. This can be for one of two reasons. Either Mary and Joseph were legitimately poor and of lowly means. The other option however is that the cost associated with the journey had rendered them unable to pay for a lamb. For whatever the reason, they brought a pair of turtle doves for the sacrifice. 

There was great symbolism and remembrance associated with the sacrifice. If you remember the time of the plagues that were brought on Egypt. The tenth plague was the death of the firstborn unless they sacrificed a lamb and put some of the blood on the doorposts so the angel of death could Passover the house. Every year they would celebrate the Passover with a similar ritual, but it didn’t end there. 

Since the Passover event saved the firstborn of the house, they also brought a sacrifice at the presentation of the firstborn child as a reminder to them that God saved the firstborn children in Egypt. So there’s a great double meaning here with a celebration of God’s deliverance from Egypt but also a continual reminder of God’s saving nature of his people. 

The story then turns quickly to Simeon. We don’t know a lot about this man aside from what we’re told here in Luke 2. He’s a devout and righteous man. He had been waiting his whole life to see this child born even though he didn’t know it would be a baby. 

The consolation of Israel is an interesting concept. Actually it functions as a title for Jesus. So just like he’s called Immanuel and King of kings, here he’s also called Consolation of Israel.  The whole idea behind consolation of Israel is found in the more common word comforter. You’ll see this more frequently in the Bible that Jesus is called the comforter. Jesus even says he’s going to send the Holy Spirit to be the comforter. 

Israel had suffered significant judgment and punishment throughout the Old Testament. They had been taken captive as the consequence for running away from God’s commands. To say that Israel needed comfort, or consolation, was a bit of an understatement. But Israel also used this idea of Consolation of Israel to help shape their view of what this Messiah figure would look like. Knowing he was going to be a consolation for their judgment and for all the trouble they had faced, they began to see the coming one as a warrior or powerhouse kind of leader. I mean how else would they be comforted for their troubles unless someone else was going to pay? 

When Simeon sees in this baby the Consolation of Israel and says behold my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the gentiles he’s actually saying something really profound. Simeon is seeing in this little baby everything that Jesus would do in his ministry. It’s almost as if he hears Jesus teaching, watches him heal, sees the miracles he does, feels the pain of his death and joy of his resurrection. 

Lord now let your servant depart in peace. He’s seen everything he needs to see but that hasn’t even happened yet! He is so confident in the work that Jesus will one day do, that he can die content knowing that Israel has already been saved, but not just Israel. He sees the salvation of the whole world. The redeeming power of God for all people, both Israelite and Gentile (non-Israelite). Simeon’s words also tie other passages of the Bible together to help see exactly who Jesus is for the people of his day and beyond. 

Two key themes for the life and ministry of Jesus are salvation and light into darkness. Salvation is earned only by the blood of the lamb. The Israelites would have known this reality. And for Simeon to claim that Jesus is the salvation of Israel, would mean that he sees Jesus as the ultimate Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. This was a monstrous claim and it meant that Jesus was everything they were hoping for in the newborn king. The only problem…he didn’t really look like the powerful king they were anticipating. His parents were common folks. They weren’t rich by any stretch. They even had to use the “low cost option” for sacrifice. A major clue for how Simeon was able to see all of this in this little child is the Holy Spirit. The Spirit enabled Simeon to see Jesus as something more than just an infant child brought to the temple by his humble parents. The Spirit opened Simeon’s eyes to see something significantly more powerful. 

Then there’s the Light in the darkness line. The theme of light shining in the darkness is another key theme of scripture. We see it vividly in John’s gospel account. Jesus would be the light of the world. He was the light that shined into the darkness but the darkness wasn’t able to overcome it. Simeon sees Jesus as the light of God sent to reveal all that which was hiding in the sin shrouded corners of the world. 

But beyond this passage there are several others that speak to the world needing a light to show it the way. Isaiah 8-9 is another really important section that deals with the theme of even Israel being a place darkness. When Isaiah was writing, Assyria was going to invade and pretty much annihilate the landscape of the Galilee region. Isaiah 9 says that the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. This prophecy was exactly what Simeon was seeing unfold as Mary and Joseph brought Jesus into the temple. The light of God was being carried into the Temple and one day would carry the people to God. 

The power of this section is found not in Simeon or in his confession. It’s found in the Spirit who allowed Simeon to see all of this and understand what it was about. A people lost in their own thoughts and ways are met by the God who not only would show them the way but would be the way to the ultimate life of salvation and peace. 

And this would be the message that Mary and Joseph would have taken out of the temple. This  would be part of the message Mary would ponder in her heart. As she stood at the base of the cross and watched as her son was killed on the cross, she would have felt that spear pierce her own soul too. 

Simeon saw the whole thing right there as he held the little baby in his arms. Pretty powerful message when you stop to think about it. 

Theme Song

Before we dig into this one, I know some are not going to like some of what’s in here. And that’s ok. Not trying to please everyone. Actually I’m not the people pleasing type, but that’s probably a post for a different time.

Ok so I’ve heard people talk about having a word or theme for their year or even a theme song for their life. Most of these are either one of those relationally sappy songs about how their life is defined by love and all the things. Or they have one of those Don’t Worry Be Happy kind of songs where everything is going to be just fine no matter what life throws at you. The kind of song that has your backside in the sand drinking mimosas on the beach. That’s not my gig either for two reasons. I don’t really like the beach and not 100% sure I even care for mimosas!

Still others might be the drink your life away kind of person and have a theme song like Whiskey Glasses. Now I have nothing against a good glass of whiskey. I’ve been known to have a good pour of bourbon as many close to me know. But to have a theme song about grabbing a drink of something strong to help lessen the pain isn’t my style either.

Admittedly, I’m not normally a theme song for my life kind of guy, but if I were I think I have the song. At least the song that seems to hit right now. And this is where some of you are not going to be super excited, but hang with me.

A couple of months ago, my daughter played a song for me off her Apple Music Playlist. It’s something she heard from a friend at school. And the title of the song is likely why someone shared it with her, and why she shared it with me. The song is titled Soldier, and it’s by the artist Tom MacDonald. The idea of a song titled soldier was appealing to her since her older brother is currently deployed halfway around the world in the US Army.

I had never heard of this artist before so I listened…closely. The song was a bit driving in parts and a bit dark in others. But something about the song resonated with me. No I’ve never been a soldier. I don’t run around with two guns loaded. I don’t see myself as the one knocking down doors taking out my opponent. But the chorus of the song kind of hooked me.

I won’t give up, I won’t turn around, Tell them if I ain’t enough, Let ’em shoot me down. And my whole life I ran from the fight, ’cause my whole life I lost every time, but I won’t give up, I ain’t backin’ down.

Ok before someone goes all he needs a therapist on me, give me a minute to explain why this hits so hard. If you know me, you know that I don’t normally give up the ghost very easily. But what you don’t know is that didn’t used to be how I was. Ask anyone who knew me growing up and you’ll find out I was backward, awkward, and super shy. I wouldn’t stand up for myself, much less anyone else. I would shy away from conflict. I was the flight kid in the fight or flight example.

But one day something in me snapped. I don’t know exactly what happened or even when specifically it occurred, but I realized that I wasn’t going to lose every time anymore. And I doubled down on myself. I worked harder. I read books, listened to podcasts, watched people better than me. I asked questions. I shadowed people who had skills I wanted. I started working out. I didn’t take no for an answer.

Now – that’s really who I am. It’s the drive that moves me some days. It’s what gets me out of bed at 4am to hit the gym. It’s what led me to be able to bench press 350lbs when I only weighed 155. It’s what has me getting more done before noon than many people get done in a whole day. This is most definitely not a patting myself on the back moment either. I know that this drive has its downside. Sure I can get stuff done. I can accomplish a task. Sure I don’t give up when things get rough and can shoulder a pretty decent workload. But it comes at a cost.

That whole won’t back down, won’t turn around, won’t give up mentality has a consequence and it’s in the middle of the chorus. let ’em shoot me down. Yep some people don’t like that drive. Some people feel threatened when I bulldoze through a room to get a job done. This drive has cost me. It’s cost me sleep for sure. But it’s also cost some close friendships.

There’s no easy way to really say this, so I won’t beat around the bush. When there’s a job to get done, I have a tendency to get the job done. I don’t wait for everyone to get onboard. I have run over people (not literally mind you) in an emotional sense. I’ve walked right past people who wanted to talk to me, but I was too laser focused on the job to even realize it. I didn’t ignore them knowingly. I just flew past them on my way to get accomplish a task.

Let ’em shoot me down. It sure doesn’t sound very “nice” does it? But to be certain, when you know who you are and are fairly confident in the person you’ve been called to be, someone is going to try to shoot you down. Most of the time though, the shot comes from behind your back.

I won’t give up. I ain’t backin’ down. That’s pretty much how I roll these days. If the reason is compelling enough and the payoff is right, I’ll run through a wall. Another way to see this is in light of those personality profiles. I’ll hit that one more after the first of the year. If you haven’t already guessed, I’m a D on the Disc Inventory. I’m an 8 on the enneagram. And I bet you’ll never guess what I am on the Myer’s Briggs Inventory.

To bring this to a close, you don’t have to choose a theme song for the year. But if you did, what would yours be? And why?

Twas The Night Before…

Twas the night before Christmas, when Mary and Jo
In a manger were resting for their baby to show
A stable was where they would make up their beds
And straw was the pillow they’d use for their heads.

The evening was ending, the time was at hand
A baby named Jesus was born in that land.
She wrapped him up tight and swaddled him close
With this child came God’s love, and a heavenly dose!

And when he was born heaven opened its light
And shined on some shepherds in a field that dark night.
They fell to the ground and were filled with great fear,
But the angel spoke quickly, “Do not shed one tear.”

I bring you good news of great joy on this night
A child has been born to take all your fright.
Yes a son has been born and Christ is his name,
More angels then showed to sing of his fame.

O Glory and Honor
Yes praise to the King
O Glory and Honor
Let your peace here reign.
He came down from heaven
He came down for all,
To die for you, Rise for you
Saving you all!

We all know the story, we’ve heard it before,
How he died and he rose to open heaven’s door.
A cross and some thorns were the gifts that we gave,
His life for ours, it’s us he did save.

And now, in our churches, we gather and sing,
All honor and glory to this child, our king.
For he is our hope and our peace and our light
Yes he is God’s love that came Christmas night.

Now off to your homes, go forth with God’s blessing.
The Father and Spirit and Son you surrounding.
May God bless you this night, as he shows you his love.
Merry Christmas to you, may you know God’s Great Love!

An Unexpected End

Our final stop on this Advent journey is most certainly an unexpected place. Before we can really understand the events of the next couple of days, we need to see their unexpected end. We take it for granted mostly because we know the end of the story, but hit the pause button today and think about this one. 

Jesus was the long expected child to be born. John 1 tells us that He was born to be a light in the darkest place imaginable. He would bring peace to a people who knew no such peace. He would instill joy in the hearts of all who would know him. 

Imagine the look on Mary’s face when she held him that first time. The shock that Joseph experienced when he heard his tiny cry. Then fast forward just 33 years. 

The same face that smiled as she held her first child now has a hard time seeing anything through the tears on her face. The light that came into the world for a moment is overshadowed by darkness once again. The peace that rang through the hillside at the birth of this baby, has quickly turned to shouts of death and murder. The life that came in a manger would now be laid bare on the cross. 

This is the story of Advent. It’s the story of Jesus. It’s the story of why he came the way he came. None of it matters if this is missing. The unexpected end would bring an unexpected result…his death would mean our life. If his life meant our peace and joy in this life, his death would amplify that peace and expound on that joy. His unexpected end means our unexpected beginning! 


An unexpected word as we sit just days before Christmas is the word sacrifice. We don’t think of sacrifice during a season of light and joy and peace and hope and love. Sacrifice is for other holidays. It’s for other times of year. We talk about sacrifice during Lent and the time when Jesus died on the cross, but during Advent it’s not really even on the radar. But that’s what this time of year really should be for all of us who are in Christ Jesus. 

In Isaiah 9:1-7, Isaiah continues to paint the picture of the coming King. He would be powerful and mighty. He would reign not with fist and weapon but with dignity and honor and power. He doesn’t need an army to fight for him or swords to vanquish his enemy. He wins by sacrifice. And because of His sacrifice we are called to sacrifice as well. 

That whole Jesus as King imagery really destroys the innocent, meek baby in the manger. Doesn’t it? We see him laying there with a blanket wrapped around him. Maybe he’s smiling. Maybe he’s sucking his thumb. Cute and cuddly. But Isaiah says we are to pledge our allegiance to Him. We’re to get rid of all things that are not Him from our lives so that we can focus on Him. 

As we near the day of His birth consider what kings you’ve brought into your life. There are traditions that often overrule the real meaning of Christmas. We sit around our trees on Christmas morning instead of standing around his altar. We bow to our packages instead of bowing before his throne. This advent take time to reflect on the unexpected response God commands from us. 

Leave the kingdoms of this world behind and revel in the wonder of the Jesus’ Kingdom.

How Do You Respond To A King?

If we stay in Isaiah 9 for another day, we see that Isaiah is inviting us to have an unexpected response. Normally when we think of Jesus, we have thoughts of warmth and compassion. We see him as a baby in a manger. We think we need to accept him into our hearts. We talk about Jesus as a close companion throughout life, which is the truth. But this is not the picture Isaiah paints. 

Isaiah talks about the coming Messiah, the one we call Jesus, as a king. When we think of kings in our world, we certainly don’t think of inviting them into our hearts. We don’t wonder how we can experience their compassion. We don’t really even try to get into their presence. When we encounter kings in life, we bow in reverence. We stand humbly and honor their position and their authority. 

Isaiah here is reminding us that as we journey through Advent and arrive at that Unexpected Christmas, we should see him not only as a loving God who saved his people. We should also encounter him as King of kings. We should bow our knee and humbly enter his presence. 

We’ve grown so accustomed to the things of church life. Religion has become merely an action done in time that we’ve lost the power of Jesus as King. Invited into the presence of a king, we should do what Paul says in Philippians 2 every knee shall bow

The unexpected child born to unexpected parents to an unexacting people to fulfill his unexpected plan should bring an unexpected response. When we see Christmas for what it really is, our response will become one of honor and humility, exaltation and a life altering praise. How will you respond to your king this Christmas? 

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