As we wrap up a terrific week of Vacation Bible School we pause for a moment to consider the one truth God was weaving into our lives through the entire week. We faced giants like lions and a fiery furnace, a dessert and even a giant of a warrior named Goliath. But in all of them God’s people were victorious. They always overcame. Why is that?

The truth of the matter is God’s people were able to overcome because our God overcomes. This week in worship we stepped back and sized up these giants. Then we compared their size to the size of our God.

It's not the size of your giant that matters. It's the size of your God! Share on X

When all we look at is our giant we fail to see the preparation God has already been working in our lives. You see the challenges we face today are preparing us for the problems of tomorrow. God is constantly making us stronger in his image. He’s working in us to will and to do according to his good pleasure. Take a listen to this week’s message and see how God has prepared you to face the giants in your life today!