oceans-2One of my favorite accounts in the gospels happens to be the one where Peter is called to come walk on the water to Jesus. I often wish I had been there to see the whole thing unfold. If you’re not familiar with the story, it goes like this.

Jesus spent the day with his disciples and they were all exhausted. It was a long day. Jesus sent them away to go across the sea while he stayed back for a restful prayer. He wanted to be recharged through a time of private prayer. The disciples listen and off they went. Somewhere in their journey across the sea, while groggy eyed and sleepy, they saw something out in the water. Actually something on the water. It looked like someone walking, but they knew that couldn’t be. They immediately looked to one another and these 12 grown men screamed like little school girls. They thought it was a ghost. They began to panic and frantically tried everything they could to increase the speed of travel. But the voice calls out to them.

It’s me, the voice says. It’s Jesus.

But it can’t be Jesus. He’s on the water. Then Peter pipes up and says something like Ok Jesus, if it’s really you then call me to come out to you. Unbeknownst to Peter the voice simply offered an invitation to come. This is when the story gets really fun.

Peter follows the voice. He gets out of the boat and begins the journey toward Jesus. He’s not swimming – he’s walking…on the water! It’s all going pretty good actually, until Peter notices one thing. He sees the water and realizes that he’s on top of it. He begins to realize that he can’t walk on water and doubts. He then sinks like a rock only to be caught by Jesus.

This is the story that leads into the song for this morning. Jesus is calling you to come to him. He calls your name and invites you for a walk. The only thing is, the walk may be difficult. Just keep your eyes above the water. He’s going to take you deeper than you’ll be able to touch. He’ll surround you as you walk on the waters. Just keep your head up. Keep your eyes fixed on the one who allows you to walk on the water.

Peter sank when he looked at how impossible this was. We tend to sink when we do the same thing. We take our eyes off of Jesus and think how impossible things are. But that’s when our faith gets wings. That’s when we get to see Jesus at his most powerful. When we can’t do it. When the world says that it’s impossible, that’s when Jesus is all we have. When Peter began to sink in the water, all he had was Jesus. That’s when he realized how powerful this man was. That’s when he felt the loving arms of his savior holding him up.

It’s on the oceans of life that our feet can’t do it. On these oceans we need someone to keep us afloat. Keep your eyes on the one who allows you to walk on the waters. Keep your eyes fixed on the prize that is right in front of you. But when you look elsewhere. When you get distracted. When all you can see is the wind and the waves around you, remember that’s when Jesus grabs you and holds you. He gently reminds you that he’s always been right there. It’s in that moment that Jesus carries you back to the boat and places you in a safe place created just for you.

Today let’s do a little water walking. Jump into the life God has in store for you. Listen to his voice and boldly go forward. Keep your eyes above the waters, fixed solely on the powerful and loving face of Jesus.