This week we take on another one of those old favorites for our Music Monday. Sung in churches around the world is the hymn O Come, O Come Emmanuel. The focus of our song this week is to help us see the waiting that takes place inside all of us as Christmas draws ever closer.

As a child we waited for the tree and the presents and the sweet treats that filled our Christmas celebrations. But as we get older something changes. We don’t really care about all of that anymore. I know this year I was asked what I wanted for Christmas. And I can honestly say that I have no clue what I could use or even want! Perhaps it’s because I have too much already? Perhaps it’s because I’m a poor sport and usually guess what I’m getting before I open it? Perhaps it’s because I tend to buy something if I need or want it. But maybe there’s something bigger at play here.

I’ve been wondering lately if something inside me hasn’t clicked to actually get it. I know that sounds crazy that in my 40s I’m actually understanding Christmas, but that’s not what I mean really. I mean that I’m just now at the point in my life where presents don’t mean much to me. Flashy stuff is’t really the point and it honestly doesn’t even really get my attention. But presence is what’s starting to matter.

This Christmas hymn is about the presence of God coming into our lives as the greatest present we could ever imagine. Take time this holiday season to enjoy the present of presence. Your children will soon be out of the house. Your aging loved ones might not be there next year. Your life could look drastically different than I does right now. Stop and enjoy a quiet moment of His presence as you enjoy the presence of your loved ones. Come Emmanuel! Come!