Have you ever been so enthralled in Jesus that you just wanted to sit at his feet and never leave? If you’ve ever experienced this you know just how peaceful it is to be completely in Jesus’ presence. So often in life we face the constant demands of each new day and we are so easily distracted. Even at church I often find my mind wandering instead of sitting in the midst of my Savior. 

Our music monday today talks about this feeling and being wrapped up in Jesus completely. It is a slow song, but as you listen close your eyes and try to drown out the noises of your day. I don’t just mean physical noises, as you listen to this song, let your mind rest for just a couple minutes in the presence of Jesus. If you are stressed about a big meeting coming up, or you can’t stop thinking about the pile of paperwork on your desk, close your eyes and fix your heart on Jesus. Maybe you don’t work but your children are running at 100 miles per hour and you just need some rest; if this is you, find a couple minutes to rest in the presence of Jesus.

So many times in life we are not easily satisfied. We are looking for the next thing that we want. Whether that’s a vacation, a new house, a relationship, your next paycheck (or a bigger paycheck), a job, a family, or health. Whatever it is you may be waiting for, I can promise you it will never satisfy you the way only Jesus can. This song today is called Nothing Else, and it really spoke to me as I heard it the first time this weekend. 

I wanted to share it with you because so often we are distracted by the things of this world that we forget the most important thing. Or if you’re anything like me, you’ve come to Jesus, but you’ve brought your calendar and your agenda. But what would happen if you just spent 5 minutes quietly with Jesus today? What would happen if you put away your agenda and just focused on being in His holy presence? My prayer for you is that you experience a peace that surpasses all understanding. 

Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, We are truly sorry for letting the word consume our thoughts and actions daily. We need to spend more time in your loving presence. In the chaos of this world, you bless us with peace and rest. Wrap your loving arms around us and help us want nothing else in this world than to sit at your feet and never leave. Amen.