Have you ever considered all of the things that you have in life? Ever thought of the blessings that surround you everyday? How many of them pass you by on a regular basis? Do you take in the sunrise or marvel at the wonder of how the moon revolves around the sun? Do you consider the talents and abilities you have that make you successful at your job? Or the family and friends who love you and care for you?

These are just a handful of the many blessings we all have in our lives. As we approach Thanksgiving this year take a moment and consider those things for which you are thankful. Consider the big things like your house, your car, your job and the education that allowed you to get all of these things. But also consider the small things, the things we take for granted.

What makes all these things possible? As followers of Jesus,  we believe these things are just a few of the many gifts and blessings we have received from God himself.  This week as part of our normal music Monday routine we pause to consider the amazing grace and tremendous love that God has for us. We do not deserve any of it and yet he gives it so freely and so generously!

Perhaps we should step back and say a little prayer of thanksgiving acknowledging that nobody loves us the way God loves us! As you listen to the song remember his ways are far greater than our ways. Give thanks for the blessings he’s given to you! Acknowledge that no one can love you the way God loves you! And remember there’s nothing you can do to make God love you any more, and there’s nothing you can do  to make him love you any less.