Well this week is that whole love week. It’s the week of Valentine’s Day. It’s a day filled with flowers and candy. It’s a day when we talk love and acceptance. Unfortunately that love and acceptance stuff we show on Valentine’s Day is very conditional. It’s a love that seems more transactional – I’ll love you as long as you love me back kind of thing. 

But there’s a better message this Valentine’s Day. It’s the message of a real love. A love that twill last. A love that will never change, fade, spoil, or go away. It’s a love that is woven through the fabric of the story of scripture. It’s a love that has no limits. It’s a love that is selfless and always puts the other person first.

When I think of this kind of love I think of how hard it is to accept it. We don’t understand this love so we have a hard time welcoming it. We are looking for the hitch. We assume there’s a gimmick associated with this kind of love. But to be honest, this kind of love is so amazing. The whole point of this love is that there’s nothing in the world that could change the way this love works. Think about it for a minute. Most of the things we love in this world are contingent on how we interact with them. We love and expect a love in return. But this love isn’t that way. It’s totally selfless. It loves and doesn’t expect anything in return.

You’re never too far gone for this love. No distance can separate this kind of love. No wrong committed can make this love change. Not amount of time apart can make this love fade or grow dim. Sometimes we try to run from this love. We try to run from it because we don’t get it. But there’s another cool thing about this love. You can’t outrun it either!

One of my absolute favorite phrases in life really hits the nail on the head when it comes to this kind of love. There’s nothing you can do to make God love you anymore and there’s nothing you can do to make  him love you any less. This is the truth of God’s love for you. Our goal in life should be to love like this, because being loved like this completely changes everything in your life.

Have a great day and know that you are loved!