It seems like everything in life is a tad darker, everyone is a little crankier, and judgement is all around us. I walk into a store without a mask on and people glare like I’m the devil. Add to that the constant change in information flooding our media feeds and it’s hard to know who to trust and what information is truth and what information is a lie. How do we fight this barrage of darkness all around us?

This week as we navigate a new round of store openings and added rhythm to our world, where do we turn for help and security? It’s easy to want to trust the powers of this world. We all want to the storms of life to pass without incident but what if there’s a lesson in the storm? What if God wants us to learn something from the wind and the waves crashing in around us? What if we can find a purpose for the closures and the added challenges that have been thrust upon us?

Without getting political or preachy, I believe there is a purpose for it all. I believe everything in life has a purpose that, if we trust in God’s mighty plan, will work for our good in the end. The challenge is the trust part. The challenge is the faith in the midst of the floods of evil swirling around us. The challenge is being able to tread water long enough to reach dry land.

So where do you find strength in these confusing times? What’s your go to weapon when life gets overwhelming? This weeks’ song is about our weapon of choice. It’s about finding power in the presence of Christ. My favorite line from the chorus of this song is this one:

My worship opens the heavens – Natalie Grant (My Weapon) Share on X

Does your worship tap you into the power of God or does it just leave you limp and weak? If your worship isn’t opening the heavens then perhaps it’s directed in the wrong place. If you aren’t tapping into the power of God when you sing songs of praise then maybe you’re getting in the way of your moment of worship. I pray that as you navigate these days of uncertainty you find power in the mighty presence of the only true God.