I know we’ve used this one already but it’s important for me to post this today. You see today I have the privilege of performing the Celebration of Life for a wonderful man of God who had just one story. This man was a man of God like no-one that I’ve ever before met. He helped me plant my first church. He became a friend. He was like a second father to me. He was my spiritual mentor. I would call on him when I had questions and he’d always help me find an answer. Today I’d like to tell you his story. 

Today I say Goodbye to a man I’ll forever know as Mr. Bill. He welcomed anyone who needed to know of the love of Jesus. He never stopped teaching others about the love of Christ that was so dear to him. Mr. Bill wanted nothing more than for people to know Jesus, especially the children. I don’t know how I’m going to navigate the many challenges of life that certainly lie ahead without this strong influence in my life. But that’s not his story.

Mr. Bill’s story is pretty simple actually. You see, it’s the story of Jesus. The one thing I learned from this truly wonderful man of God was that Jesus was really real! I know that I knew it but mostly on an intellectual level. Mr. Bill helped me see the reality of Jesus in the everyday moments of life. With each breath I was reminded of the power of the cross of Jesus. With every rising sun I would see the power of the resurrection. Everywhere I turned my eyes were opened to the wonders of a real and alive Jesus and it was all to Mr. Bill’s credit.

So if I were to tell you Mr. Bill’s story it would sound like this: I am not afraid of failure because in my failure you’ll see Jesus’ victory. I’m not afraid of sickness, because in sickness you’ll get to see the healing that only can come from Jesus. I’m not afraid of death because in my death you’ll get to see the life of Jesus. My story is simple, Jesus loved me and called me and made me and I want you to know him. Would you give me a minute so I can share with you the Jesus that I know. 

Mr. Bill, you’ll be forever missed. As we say our final goodbyes this week, may we be ever reminded that your story and our story are only right if they’re reflections of Jesus’ story.

May this be your story too!