living for eternity today


If you’re in the church world at all then you know the word disciple is used all the time! It’s kind of a word that comes in and out of popularity within the church hierarchy from time to time. We throw it around because Jesus used it and told us to make disciples but so often we don’t have a clue what that means much less how to do it! This book is one that attempts to hone in on the idea of discipleship and a process or lifestyle approach that could be used to disciple someone.

Now at the outset I’d like to share my personal definition of discipleship that I’ve used for years and have written about in other places.

Discipleship is the process of being transformed into the image of Christ for the sake of others. Share on X

It’s that simple. It’s a process, not a program or destination. It’s about transformation not remodeling. It’s about being more and more like Christ. His identity is our target. And it’s about multiplication. It’s about others! A disciple will make disciples – plain and simple.

Francis Chan walks through the bible with us in this book. He shows what a disciple looks like and how God formed his people to be his disciples through a variety of means and methods. Chan doesn’t claim to be the expert on discipleship but just a pastor who’s walked people through the bible in the context of meaningful relationships.

Discipleship is about becoming more and more like Christ. Chan points out that this should not surprise us at all. If we look at the Gospel accounts they start with the call of the disciples to come and follow. Then Jesus walks with them through a series of events, teachings and life altering situations where He does some powerful work. Then in the end of the Gospels comes the call to go and tell.

The entirety of the biblical message is one for the sake of others. All too often we are comfortable letting our disciple making just happen. Chan would argue, and I would agree, that discipleship never happens by accident. It’s intentionally calling people out of their everyday lives to live differently.

The book comes with videos and other resources that you can find at Check it out and begin your discipleship journey today!

1 Comment

  1. Andy Wirt

    Great article and reminder. Thanks for sharing. Hope you are well and I’d love to connect again sometime. Blessings!

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