77537414d6f96e335cbc53e868c20b30The goal of a disciple is to clothe themselves in the very thoughts, words, and actions of the person they desire to follow. In the case of the person who calls themselves a Christian, that person is Jesus. There’s no secret about it. The follower of Jesus wants to clothe themselves in the things of Jesus. We want to have Jesus’ patience. We want to love the way he loved. We want to find joy in the everyday things the way he did. But exactly how does that happen? 

Quite frankly there’s no clear-cut cookie cutter method to accomplish this. Yet the task is really not all that difficult. It’s really about having more of Jesus and less of us. We do our best to build our lives the way the world defines success. We gather money. We build large homes. We pour our financial empire into stocks or large towers that show the world who we are, but none of this is the way to live as a disciple. None of these in and of themselves are necessarily wrong, they just won’t bring out the Jesus in us.

It’s kind of like that childhood role model we had growing up. We wanted to be just like them! We bought the red cape so we could be superman! We style our hair like our favorite singer. We dance like the princess in hopes that someone will see the value we have. We try to put the best of everyone else on ourselves, but we’re constantly left lacking.

More of You is the prayer of a heart that has hit the end. It’s the life that is done trying to please everyone and do everything that everyone else wants. More of You is the heartfelt plea from a broken spirit that longs to be whole again. Nothing else will accomplish this. Being more like a superhero won’t do it. Adding more to our financial portfolio won’t do it. It’s only Jesus. He alone is the epitome of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. He alone is the one whose footsteps were set with us in mind.

My prayer for all of us today who call ourselves followers of Jesus is that the presence of Christ would bleed through us. That our very breath would demonstrate the presence of Christ in our lives. May our thoughts, words, and actions bring more of Jesus and less of ourselves as we live out his story.
