I thankssslove Thanksgiving. It’s a great holiday and a wonderful chance to get together with family to give thanks for life’s many blessings. One tradition we have when my wife’s family gets together is to answer the question, What are you thankful for?

The answers typically are always the same. One of the guys will say something about the Ohio State Buckeyes, another will say something about football in general. Still another will say they’re thankful for food while one of the ladies will start the I’m thankful for family answer. When we’re done going around the room, we’ll file through the line and fill our plate with far more food than any normal person should eat in one sitting. Then we eat, talk, and watch football or play games.

But why does this only happen on the fourth Thursday in November? And why are we only thankful for the things that fill that one particular day? Part of being missional is recognizing all of the many life blessings for which we have to be thankful. One way we can be on mission everywhere we go is to express that thankfulness in everyday situations. Being thankful for those people who are around us everyday. When is the last time you looked at your co-worker, spouse, neighbor, child(ren), boss, or employee and told them why you were thankful for them?

That’s today’s Monday Mission. Look for one person this week into whose life you can speak thankfulness. Tell them why they are important to you. Share with them what you see in them that makes them great. Take a moment to build someone else up and encourage them with a message of thankfulness.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving celebrations. Enjoy the moment with your family and friends. But more importantly give thanks to God for giving you a life filled with things to be thankful for!

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