living for eternity today

Mission Monday – Marine Corps Birthday

Veterans-DayAdmittedly, I’ve never served our country in any military capacity but I have a huge spot in my heart for the men and women who have. I know there are countless thousands of moms, dads, husbands, wives, sons and daughters who have devoted their lives to keeping me free. And I want to say thank you!

But I think there’s something we can learn from these soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines. I think the two things I most admire are their dedication and commitment. I have a high school friend, Bryan, who served his term in the Marines and then enlisted in the Army. He is just one of the countless many who see their entire calling to protecting his brothers in the field.

As followers of Jesus, I believe we can learn a great deal about our calling from these men and women, people like Bryan. The biggest take away for me are those two characteristics – dedication and commitment. What would happen if we were as committed to our lives as followers of Jesus and dedicated to the calling he has placed on our lives as these military personnel?

I think what would happen, if we took our faith lives as seriously as these men and women, is that we would see our daily relationships as part of our mission. On this Mission Monday I would like to encourage you to increase your dedication and commitment. I’m not asking for dedication or commitment to your local church or pastor, but to your Savior. Dedication to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Commitment to the calling he has placed on your life.

If we were to be that dedicated and committed, I believe the world would see the church not as an institution or building, but group of people dedicated to serving, encouraging, and equipping the community and world.

1 Comment

  1. bydesign001

    Reblogged this on PUMABydesign001's Blog and commented:
    Here’s to the men and women who serve(d) in the U. S. Marines. Happy Birthday USMC and thank you for your service. God bless.

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