Mondays are the days that many of us dread. mondayWe have to find our way back to the humdrum reality of work. We have to settle back in to the morning grind and get our week started on the right foot. For many of us Mondays are spent recovering from an exciting and undoubtedly busy weekend.

But Mondays are also for Mission. Mondays are the days when we get to be back in the world. We are immersed in the relationships that we’ve put on pause through the weekend. Mondays are days that we can start with a fresh slate. Many of us spent some portion of our weekend at church learning the ways of Jesus. And Mondays are our first real chance to put it all into practice. We are filled with the truth of Jesus and now today we have the chance to let it loose in the world in which we live.

This week’s Mission Monday tip is start a conversation. You don’t have to do something crazy or difficult. Just ask someone a question. Get a conversation started. Let them know what you did this weekend. Part of being on mission is known the people around you. So it’s that simple. Talk to people where you live, work, and play today. Engage them in conversation and leave the rest up to Jesus. Plan on coming back next week for a new Mission Monday tip.