496938--a5428f41-7d06-43de-965a-b4d04d1f6f8d-posterIt’s become increasingly evident that there’s a problem in the world today. There appears to be an issue that many people are facing, often without realizing!

Try this once, take a look in the mirror. What do you see? Describe it, but not in terms of features rather describe yourself in terms of value, image, and worth. This is not a matter of pride nor is it conceited to look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you’re worth it. Actually, it’s kind of biblical if you really think about it.

In the New Testament, Jesus gives two new commands that summarize the entire Old Testament system. The first one is pretty unmistakable, not easy just unmistakable. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. The idea here is that your relationship with God is the center of all you do. The second command is to love your neighbor as yourself. Ponder this for a second…if you don’t like what you see when you look in the mirror…if you see no value in the image in the mirror…if you believe that you’re “not worth it” – then how can you love your neighbor? How can you love your neighbor as yourself when you don’t love yourself?

This week’s Music Monday song is called Mended. Listen closely to the words. Pay attention to the message of the song. The message in the lyrics is simple, when you see yourself you have a hard time seeing anything of value. So stop looking at yourself with your eyes. Look at yourself with the eyes of the God who made you. You see, God made you with his own hands. He knit you together in your mother’s womb. He hand crafted you as his special child. Life isn’t always going to go the way you want, but that doesn’t mean God doesn’t care. It doesn’t mean your value is any different to God. Your name has been branded on the heart of God.

This song is all about perspective. Your perspective might not always be the right one. When you see everything falling apart, what’s really happening is everything is lining up just right for you. When you see in the face looking back at you someone who’s not good enough, you’re telling God he doesn’t know what he’s doing and that his creation isn’t good enough.

Today, I want you to find healing. I want you to be mended. I pray that today, when you look into that mirror you’ll see beautiful, complete, healed, mended, almost home. Give it a listen and pray that God will help change your perspective.