Some days are just OK. And for a long time I thought that OK was somehow less than, well OK! If you’ve ever passed me in the hall and asked the predictable question How are you? A question no one ever cares to hear the answer to – then you have undoubtedly heard my reply. And it’s never OK! My reply is always something like Excellent! Better than I deserve! Terrific! It shouldn’t be legal to be this good! And honestly, the majority of the time that’s the truth! But every once in a while the day is just OK. Sometimes life isn’t good, or great, or wonderful, or even fine! Some days are just…OK.

Are you OK with an OK kind of day? This week’s Music Monday hits that idea head on. Actually the song Maybe it’s ok goes one step further and says maybe it’s ok to not be ok. That sounds so depressing doesn’t it? I mean not even being ok? What’s less than ok? In my book less than ok is just flat bad! So how can it be ok to not be ok?

I think sometimes we have to be ok, or even less, in order to better appreciate how good we have it in life. We have to feel pain to appreciate a painless life. Ask anyone who’s had joint problems that led to a surgical replacement. They never thought about a hip or knee or shoulder until it was riddled with pain. If you’ve never had a migraine or severe headache, chances are you don’t give a whole lot of thought to how good it is to not see double or have light sensitivity.

You see it’s ok to not be ok because in the less than ok kind of days we gain a whole new perspective on the good days! When we hurt, feel lonely, are heart broken – it’s in those moments we gain a deeper appreciation for the healing, the company and wholeness we find other days. We appreciate light after it’s been dark. Heat when it’s cold. Cold when it’s hot.

Being ok isn’t a place to stay by any means! But being ok today isn’t all that bad as long as today’s ok leads to tomorrow’s excellent! Terrific! Magnificent! So if you have to have an OK day use it to make tomorrow significantly better, because the God who’s evident on your good days is right there with you on your less than OK ones too!