cover326x326The bible is full of wonderful imagery that just pulls us into the presence of something bigger than we could ever imagine. The imagery of the blood of Jesus is something that is permanently burned into my mind. True I wasn’t there to see it. I wasn’t physically present when the nails were driven into his hands and feet, but I can still see it. I see the bloody sweat running down his face. I see his skin smudged with mud and sand. I can hear him gasp for air as he hangs there. He did it for me! 
When I think of the pain and the suffering. When I think of the hurt and the agony. When I hear his cry. When I see the blood spill out of his spear pierced side, I know that here is where I am found. This is where everything changes. All of my crap that has so soiled the perfect life God intended for me is now smeared on Jesus.

I’ve been washed in the blood of Jesus. I’ve been covered in the death and resurrection of Christ and because of this washing in Christ – I’m seen by God as white as snow. He sees me as perfect. He calls me his child. He accepts me, not because of me but in spite of me.
He loves me not because I’m worthy of His love but because His Son paid for me. I’m now adopted into the family of God because of the blood that ran red. That’s where my life is found. That’s where the holy ground is…at the foot of the cross.