This week’s Music Monday is coming a bit early since tomorrow is Christmas morning. I thought of skipping this week but then I heard this rendition of my favorite Christmas song ever. But why? Why is this one my favorite? Well to put it simply, I am the little drummer boy

When I think of my life and the many things in it, I’m humbled and wrecked inside that I have nothing better to give. As I listen to the words of this song, I’m reminded that I so often try to bring something of value to God but that’s not what He desires. Crafty phrases and cool atmospheres are good and all but that’s not the best gift I can give. And the same goes for you!

I know this time of year is extremely hard for many people. It’s difficult because we try to get that perfect gift for that special someone. But have you ever thought of the gift you would bring to the manger if you had a chance to visit the baby Jesus? This song is about just that, the gift you would bring.

For the longest time, I thought the best gift was wearing my suit to church or getting more people in worship. I thought the best gift was creativity to growing the church. But then about 10 years ago, I actually listened to the words of this song and I was absolutely crushed! Even this morning as I type this and listen to the song blaring in the background, I have tears in my eyes. I cry because so often I think my gift isn’t enough. I tear up because so many forget that the gift God gives us is the gift he wants us to use. He gave me my drum and my sticks so I’m going to use them!

As a man all I want to do is provide something of worth to God. Not a big church or a great set of programs but something that will bring a smile to the face of God. When I think of what I can offer God, I am crushed because I have nothing of value or worth to give him. What can I give to the God who has everything, literally because He created it all! Then I remember my drum.

What’s your drum? Will you play your drum for the king? Will you play it the best you can? Will you play that drum with everything you have? Will you play that drum as a reminder that He doesn’t need your gift but wants your heart?

As you celebrate Christmas and the end of 2017, play your drum! Bang that drum loud for all to hear. It’s the drum He gave you. It may not seem like much. But as humbling as it sounds, this gift that you give is the perfect gift for the King of kings!