I thought it was time to change things up a little bit. After all, we’re only 3 weeks from Christmas! Are you ready? Are you getting it all set so that this will be the BEST Christmas ever? This time of year we hustle around to get the right gift for that special someone. We look high and low. We hunt the ads, bulldoze people through the store lines to get that door buster deal. 

But have you ever felt like your gift was lacking something? Have you ever been just a little disappointed in the gift you’ve given? Maybe you couldn’t find the gift you wanted. Perhaps you just couldn’t afford it and had to settle for something else instead. Either way, this week’s song hopefully puts a little in perspective for us this Christmas season.

The song The Little Drummer Boy has to be one of my favorites, and the group Pentatonix is absolutely amazing! Picture going to Christmas for a special someone and having no gift to give. It tells the story of a little boy going to see a special baby, a new-born king. He was reluctant to go because he had no gift. But he couldn’t not go. So he took what he had – his drum. He played his drum for the king.

This Christmas remember the reason for the season. It’s about more than stockings and presents. It’s even more than a baby born in a manger. Christmas is about a king born for you and for me. He doesn’t need or even want gifts of material things. He seeks to have our best, our abilities, the things nearest to our hearts. He wants our lives to be used to show others the way to him. So this Christmas keep it in focus. Remember that no matter the gift, it’s your heart that the king desires.