In the last post we dealt with bad Fish Forwardchoices
and the effects they have on us at the core of our day-to-day lives. These bad choices can ostracize us and make us feel unworthy. And if that weren’t bad enough, it’s often difficult to live on the other side of that bad choice. This difficulty is made worse because we continuously go backward fishing

Now you may be wondering what backward fishing is all about. It’s pretty simple actually. The proper way to fish is to cast the line in front of you to catch the fish that is swimming in the waters that you can see. Backward fishing is casting the net or pole behind you to drag up the stuff over which you’ve already traveled.

This isn’t really a method for fishing that is recognized by the wildlife society but it is the way many of us deal with our struggles and bad choices. We don’t look in front of us to see what’s coming, instead we look behind us to drag up our bad choices only to relive them everyday.

Perhaps you know the feeling of being a backward fisherman. It’s no fun! When you drag up the bad choices in your past, you end up going through the regret and pain all over again. But worse yet, when you drag these things up from your past you end up not resting in the grace and forgiveness that Jesus offers freely.

The bible promises that our sins are removed as far from us as the East is from the West. This means that no matter how much we try, these bad choices don’t define us. This is because of a crazy thing called grace. Simply put, grace is God’s underserved goodness toward us. Grace is God taking our sins away and restoring us to a healthy relationship once again. Grace is the life changing action of God in Jesus to erase our past and replace it with His future. Because of Jesus’ cross we are assured that our bad choices are buried in the past.

Jesus has freed us from our life of bad choices. He has set us on a new path with a new start. Today remember that your past doesn’t determine your future. Your past is a learning experience that will strengthen you for what lies ahead. There is a life beyond the bad choices we make, and that life is a life of grace.