I have to admit something right here. I have a problem living in the here and now. I tend to be a mile ahead and around the corner. I try to see what’s coming. I try to plan for what could be. I try to think about things before they happen. Some days that philosophy works really well. But other times it keeps me from seeing things that are happening right in front of me.

This year my sons are both seniors. They’ll graduate at the end of this school year and will move on to the next phase of their lives. Both are headed to some form of military service. As I look ahead to where they’re going and what they’ll be doing, I wonder what happened to the fragile kids they were when we brought them from the hospital? Where did the toddler years go? What have I missed by not stopping to enjoy the moments?

In life we tend to rush from one thing to another. We add hours at work because we believe for some unknown reason it will help us succeed. We do it in the name of providing for our families thinking, If I just work a few more hours we’ll have enough money to do (you fill in the blank).

Today’s MusicMonday is a gut check moment for those of us who live too far in the future. IT’s a reminder that the days are short and fly by us. It’s a reminder that we need to stay in the moment. Maybe this could be your prayer today? Lord, keep me in the moment!