Being a part of the church growing up was a great learning experience. I attended a Christian school and went to church nearly every Sunday. Growing up in the church we went through something called confirmation. This is when we learn the ins and outs of what we believe and actually claim it as our own. Up until this point, you’re learning but if I’m being honest it’s a lot of going through the motions. But in confirmation something clicks. we grow deeper and ask more questions and being to be able to apply what we know.

Part of this process is learning what are called the 10 Commandments. Pretty much everyone has heard of these even if we don’t know what they are specifically or number them the same way. The purpose of the 10 Commandments was to help the people of God in the oldest part of the Bible to know the difference between right and wrong and how to live as God’s people in a way that would help them grow the best.

This week we dig into what I learned as the first of these commandments. It says you should have no other gods before me.

I always thought that meant to make sure God was first and then have a good list of priorities in life. But that’s really not the case. As we learn in this week’s message, it goes much deeper than that. God wants to be our only God. Just one. But what happens when we make something that isn’t God into a kind of god?

A good thing turned into a God thing is a bad thing! Share on X

The challenge we all face is to take something perfectly good and elevate it to a godlike status and then it becomes bad. We’ll unpack some of these things that we make into god like things in our lives and what to do about it.

Check out this week’s message here: