No one can hold it all together all of the time. We’re all bound to break at some point. We can only run so fast of so long before we just crash. As a pastor I have a tendency to fall into this category of holding it all together. I’m the kind of person who likes to make sure that everything gets done right, even if that means I do it myself. 

But sometimes we can’t hold it all together anymore. Sometimes we just need to be held. We just need to let go and let God take care of things. My favorite line from this song says, you world’s not falling apart it’s falling into place. Can you believe that? Can you have the faith it takes to believe that your life, as chaotic as it may seem, isn’t spiraling out of control. Actually, it’s going exactly the way God knew that it would all along.

If we were as good at just being held as we were with trying to control everything, I would guess we’d have a much clearer picture of what Jesus intended for us. Jesus is here to hold us tight. He’s reminding us that he will never leave us nor let us alone. He’s got this! Let go and let God take care of things for today. Just live your life knowing that you’ve been freed by His Grace.