Ever feel like your family is a tad on the dysfunctional side? People just not get along the way they should? Have that one strange uncle who is way out in left field somewhere? Well there’s a story in the Bible about a family who is exactly like that.

The story of Genesis revolves mostly around one family. From Abraham to his son Isaac and his son Jacob and his son Joseph the whole family takes center stage in this epic story of God’s providence and power.

This week we looked at Joseph and his 11 brothers. Well that could be part of the issue. Twelve kids?!?! There’s bound to be some sort of problem when you have that many people under one roof. But this family’s problem really isn’t about its size. The problem is the misplaced priorities have messed up their relationships.

Give this week’s message a listen and see how properly placed priorities can help establish healthy relationships and fix what’s become messed up in our lives.