Hold one another up in prayer.

I recently read an article about the challenges that the current world climate is presenting to many of us in the world. The article was more specifically targeting churches and pastors but some of the principles carry across just about any situation. Here are some of my thoughts and take-aways.

Life was rough before but it’s getting somewhat unbearable for many of us. Leading always presents a challenge because the only time you get feedback from the people you lead is generally when things aren’t going well. Rarely do we as leaders, or in my case pastor, get a call on a Monday morning with an atto-boy kind of message.

Now please don’t text me on Monday just because you saw this here. But remember that leaders are people. Some of us have thick skin. Some of us have thinner skin. We hurt and carry a lot on our shoulders, much of which isn’t ours to carry. But honestly there’s no one else willing to shoulder the burden with us so someone has to carry it.

The bible tells the story of King Saul and the terrible time he had when he was about to lose the battle. The enemy was ruthless and tortured their captives until they died. Saul wanted nothing of the sort to he resigned himself to falling on his sword.

Giving up seemed better than fighting anymore.

Unfortunately it’s not just King Saul that felt this way. It’s my belief that many people are fighting this same terrifying belief in their own lives right now. But this is not the answer. It’s not your sword to fall on!

What follows are four simple thoughts for followers and four simple thoughts for leaders. They are mostly tilted toward Jesus followers and church type people but if you work at it a bit you can see how they can relate to your situation as well.

For Followers

You’re part of something bigger. Your church is not perfect. It’s filled with imperfect people and therefore will be messed up. Sin has infected the world and we are in this world. No church on this side of eternity will be totally right all the time. See your church in the larger picture of the body of Christ.

Pastors are NOT the Savior. Look it’s pretty simple. We are humans. We were called by God to a task that none of us can do on our own. We rely on God to guide us but we mess up, a lot! Be patient with us and remember we are not Jesus, we’re just trying to help you grow closer to him.

Pray for your pastor. I received an email the other day from a member of the church I serve reminding me that someone was praying for me. That was probably one of the most powerful and meaningful things I’ve received in a long time. We need your prayers more now than ever before!

Don’t be a jerk. Ok so this one is probably the most in your face advice I can give you. Can you commit for the next 6 months to just being as dedicated and devoted follower of Christ and member of the church possible? Can you put aside differences on how we act and decisions we make and give us the benefit of the doubt? Can we work side by side to accomplish the mission God set before us? Don’t leave. Don’t run away. Don’t hold my mistakes against me as unforgivable. Bring them to light but give me time to make adjustments. I wasn’t any more prepared for this than you were!

For Leaders

Get help. You, my friend, are not God. You are not perfect. You can NOT do it alone. You need help. Your hope should be found in no one other than Jesus, but your help can come from a doctor or counselor. Please reach out to a trained professional so you can unload the burdens you’re carrying. It could save your life. Literally!

Do less. There are two kinds of people in this heated time in which we live. Some that do too much and others that do nothing. Find a good balance. Many pastors I know are running frantic. Trying to be televangelists and tech gurus. Preparing all of our material for an audience we can’t see much less engage with. It’s ok to let a couple things slide so you can focus on the essentials.

Find Friends NOW. The idea of social distancing and isolation are so anti-biblical it’s not even funny. Yes you can stay 6 feet apart but for goodness sake, stay socially engaged and connected! Pastor you need to find a friend. You need to go be a person today. Step out on a Friday night and hang with the guys. Go out with other couples. Sit around the fire pit. Go fishing. Get away! And do it now! Your ministry hangs in the balance on this one.

Lean in. One of my pet peeves with pastors and churches is the ridiculous territorial crap that happens. Churches get so scared they might lose a member that they neglect working together. Pastors are afraid to look weak so they don’t lean on a brother for help and prayer support. Look. I get it. I don’t want to be a pansy anymore than the rest of you, but for the sake of the Kingdom of God let’s put our petty differences aside and walk together as one people. After all God called us HIS body. And the last time I checked a body cannot move in opposite directions. We have to go together or we a house divided.

There you have it. The long and short is this. Love one another as God in Christ loved you. Walk together. Be patient with one another. Lift one another. Lean when you’re weak. And by all means reach out if you need help. I’m not perfect and I don’t have it all together but I do what I can to help when you need me.

To the church I love. We’re in this together. Let’s walk together.