Man sometimes life can just stink! I mean you plan and prepare and have everything all lined up and then WHAM! out of nowhere your day just goes down hill and I mean quick! It’s tempting in these moment to just throw in the towel and give up. It’s easy to just let that feeling of defeat overwhelm you. But what should you do when it’s all but over? 

So I know that this is pretty cliché but it’s the truth – God’s got this. Like I said that’s a pretty lame statement on its own but bear with me for a minute. Here’s the deal. I’m not saying that you should trust some God that’s far off and so distant that he’s not relatable. Actually quite the contrary! What I’m saying is look for ways to relate to him before you trust in him. I’m not saying to blindly trust the bible. I’m saying to interact with it and see just how trustworthy it really is. And I’m not just saying this because I have to. As a matter of fact I can only tell you this because I’ve lived it – firsthand!

I can’t even begin to tell you how much God has just shown up at just the right time in my life. There were countless times in my life when I just wanted to throw in the towel and then someone stepped in to remind me of the wonders of God’s amazing grace. Sometimes God steps in with a beautiful sunrise. Sometimes with a friend who will just listen and be there with you no matter what. Sometimes God just shows up in something as simple as a sky filled with puffy clouds. Sometimes God shows up by taking away the problem or by sending someone to walk with you through it. Sometimes you can see God in the smile on a friend’s face when they tell you they care.

You see you’re not alone, even when you feel lost and helpless.  You’re not alone because there are so many people who care for you. Don’t carry the burdens of the world on your shoulders. You weren’t created for that. You were created to live in the light of something so much better. A friend recently opened my eyes to see how wonderful God’s love is. It was nothing huge but a simple reminder that they care and that they are praying for me.

So here’s the long and short on not over yet – It’s not over! Your problem, and I’m serious when I say that it’s probably a huge deal for you, is likely not going to end your world. Chances are the sun will still rise tomorrow and that next breath will still happen. Take a deep breath. Call that friend who you can share anything with and let them listen. And to the listening friend, just listen. Sometimes the quiet moments of listening and just sitting in someone’s presence can make the biggest difference.

It’s not over yet. Don’t throw in the towel. You were created for so much more than this. You are loved – and probably more than you’ll ever really know.