We all have limitations. There are things in this world that I would love to be able to do but honestly never will be able to do. I’d love to benchpress 500 pounds but dislocating my shoulder while achieving 350 lbs tells me that’s just not going to happen. There are simply things we’ll just never be able to do. And that’s ok! There’s nothing wrong with having limits. But we also have to understand that just because we can’t do them, it doesn’t mean they can’t be done. Nothing is truly impossible.

Take my bench press analogy for instance. You see just because I can’t do it, doesn’t mean no one can. Actually, quite the opposite is true. There are people in the world who’ve been doing this far long than me who can easily put that kind of weight in the air. Just because I can’t doesn’t mean no one can.

This week’s Music Monday is about impossible things. People say I can’t and they might be right but I believe that the God I serve can do what I can’t. He has words when mine fail. He courageously strolls forward when I am crippled by fear. He stands strong when I fall in weakness.

I believe that God brings light out of darkness. He brings life out of death. He makes the impossible truly possible! And while we’re at it, the bible even tells us that in Christ all things are possible. See Matthew 19. But that doesn’t mean we’ll be able to bench press 500lbs. It means that in things that matter, in the things God promises he’ll give us everything we need to finish if we just have faith and trust in him.

Check out this week’s Music Monday and realize that we serve a God who make the impossible – possible!