There seems to be a lot of confusion today over who we are. So let me remind you by explaining who I am. This country was built around certain ideals, values and core beliefs. We were not founded to be a two party system that couldn’t see past their differences to the lives they were affecting. Our nation was founded for the benefit of the people whom it was established to serve. Not as an organization offering handouts. Not as a micromanaging boss. Not as a hovering helicopter parent. This nation was established to allow freedom from tyranny and oppressive rule over the people. It was established to provide a system whereby all those who work hard and support one another can truly succeed in life. Let me be completely clear. I am not a republican. I am not a democrat. I am an American!

We live in a time when we are facing two different enemies, and we’re barely strong enough to combat just one of them. We’ve been fighting each other as if they were our greatest enemy for decades. Our two party system can’t see past their preferred political color to aide the American people and frankly you and I are losing. It’s time this country became the America it was founded to be. It’s time that we the people took a stand.

But there’s a second enemy that is new to us. It’s so new to us that it’s scary how quickly it infiltrated our homeland and began wreaking havoc. We missed it because we were so busy fighting the made up first enemy I just described. We missed it because we were too busy picking at each other that we didn’t see the writing on the walls all around us that an enemy was on the horizon.

The Bible tells us a very powerful message. It says a house divided against itself cannot stand. We have quickly become a house divided. We have become so focused on what we don’t like about each other that we’re missing the front line assault that’s happening all around us. It’s time to wake up and be Americans again.

Instead of hoarding personal protective equipment that many of us will never need, let’s give it to those hospital personnel that need it most. Instead of stockpiling groceries so we won’t have to shop for months, let’s check in on our neighbors to see what needs they have. Instead of plopping our lazy political backsides on the couch and watching CNN all day, let’s pick up a phone and call those elderly and compromised people in our circle. Instead of being Republicans and Democrats can we be Americans first?

I write this in a time when a national stay at home recommendation and a mandated stay at home order in my state have been enacted. It’s amazing to see families taking walks and people working together to get things done. I’m seeing men and women come together to drop off food at our collection site, deliver care packages to those who are most vulnerable, and offering extra assistance to those in need. Not once have I heard the American public speak their political views. Why?

Because today we are all Americans! And an America that is United is an America that will not fall to an enemy especially one that strikes on our homeland. Rise up my friends.

Together, we are America!