Have you ever been looking for something only to find it right next to you? I do this all too often with my sunglasses. I put them on top of my head and then look all over trying to find them. I look in the drawer and on the counter. Then I’ll likely blame someone for taking them! When we can’t find what’s right in front of us, it’s all too easy to make it someone else’s problem.

This week we took a look at the disciples. We watched how they reacted after Jesus died and then appeared to them in their home. At first they waited for him in hiding, but in this week’s lesson we find them waiting for him totally different! In John 21, the disciples go fishing. It’s what they knew. They hadn’t given up on Jesus nor on his teachings but they were back in day to day life waiting on him to finally give him direction on how to do what they were supposed to do. But then it happened.

They were in the boat, fishing all night long. They caught nothing, nada, zip, zilch! NOTHING! Not even a small guppy! Their nets were empty! Then all the way on shore about 100 yards away, a figure appears. We know it’s Jesus, but they can’t see him. They’re so clouded by the lack of fish! The troubles of their current situation have them blinded to what’s right in front of them. If it was a snake, it would have bit them!

As you walk through the message this week, try to put yourself in the shoes of the disciples. Much has changed in the past weeks for them! Now they’re blinded to what’s right in front of them. How has this happened in your own life? How has God been obviously right in front of you? In what ways has he been so close, if he was a snake he could have bit you? Give it a listen and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.