There was a time when life was just a little easier and a whole lot less messy. Can you remember when you were a child? You know what I mean. Your biggest worry in the world was what kind of cereal you were going to have for breakfast. You didn’t know if you should ride your scooter or your bicycle. Those were the good old days weren’t they? Sometimes we just want to go back to those  more simple times. 

When we were children we could do anything! Nothing could stop us. I once tried to jump my mailbox with my bicycle and a 6 inch ramp. Let’s just say that didn’t end well and my teeth are still embedded in the sidewalk! But I didn’t care much because life was simple and different.

But it’s not just these times that were more simple physically but also spiritually. When we were kids we just believed. We possessed a faith that was so simple. It was a simple message of Jesus loves me. Nothing added to it. No hoops to jump through or deeds to perform. We didn’t have to worry about what style of worship service we would use on Sunday or what version of the bible we should read. We didn’t have all of the extra weird stuff that we’ve added to our lives today.

Perhaps this is what Jesus meant when he spoke of faith like a child. We trusted, as kids, that adults wouldn’t lead us astray. We trusted that things would always work out. We knew, just like Annie, that no matter how bad the day was the sun would come up tomorrow.  So what happened? When did life become so hard? When did we become more worried about how we do things than what we believed?

I’m not sure I can answer that question. To be totally honest I ponder this question frequently. But here’s what I know. The Jesus you worshiped as a child is still the same Jesus – it’s you who’s changed. Perhaps it’s time to just lose the stupid stuff and get back to the message that made the difference as a child. So go ahead, right now, stop what you’re doing and sing Jesus loves me (quietly in your head if you have to). No, really stop right here and just say the words to yourself

Jesus loves me this I know for the bible tells me so. Little ones to him belong. They are weak but he is strong.

You see it’s that simple. The message is still the same. Now when you’re over burdened and all of the little stuff is getting to you, just stop – take a breath – and repeat those words. They’ll never change no matter what. His love for you will never be different – there’s nothing you or anyone else can do to make that any different. So you are loved! Live today with that in your heart and maybe it’ll bring a big old smile to your face.