I remember my grandpa always saying that life when he was a child was more simple. He said the best times were behind us. He used to think that all of this new technology was making life harder and preventing us from living real lives. In some cases he’s probably right. The times were easier once upon a time I will admit that, but I won’t go so far as to say the best times are behind us.

Today’s Music Monday is about going back, but going back doesn’t mean worshiping the past. It simply means that some things in life need the simplicity of the past. Think of it this way…

When we were children, we’d come to Sunday School and sing simple songs. We didn’t care if we were singing in the right key or even on pitch. We’d sing louder and faster than we do as we grow older. We didn’t care what others thought of our dress or how we did our hair. It was enough to sing with the simplicity of Jesus loves me. Our bedtime prayers were really about having a good night sleep and Jesus being near us.

But as we age, we feel our prayers need more words and our songs need more complicated rhythms. Why? Why is it that when we get older things have to be more complicated? Why can’t we relish the simplicity of grace without complicating things with our intellectual baggage?

I wanna go back. I wanna go back to simple faith. I wanna go back to Jesus being enough. I wanna go back to all the simplicity of what it means to follow Jesus, but remember simple doesn’t always mean easy. Faith is simple but not always easy. It’s time to go back to simple faith in a complex world.