hqdefaultHave you ever seen one of those infectious smiles? Not everyone has them but when you see one, you can’t help but smile right back. My daughter has one of those smiles. She smiles and I just can’t help but smile right back at her. I don’t know how to explain it. 

This week I want you to practice your smile. It’s really not that hard. Actually science has told us that it takes more work to frown or grimace than it does to smile! So my suggestion is to rest for a while by smiling. You deserve it!

On my way to church this morning I heard this song and it made me smile. Admittedly, I had a bit of a headache and was pretty tired but when I really look at my life – I can’t help but smile!

This song I Smile is a fun one! Listen to the words. When you think about the way that Christ has turned our lives around, we should smile. We should be elated. We should let it show on our faces, in our words, and in our actions. When Christ has made that big of an impact in our lives, it should show in all that we do.

So today…give the song a listen and then smile! You owe it to yourself.