It’s easy in life to focus on the things we don’t have. It’s way too easy to see the shortcomings, failures, pains and other limitations. The world throws our limits back in our face every chance we can get. We measure ourselves by the success of others. We believe we’re not good enough based on how we stack up against someone else.

Today’s Music Monday song is a new one to me. I’ve never before heard this song but it’s a great reminder of who we were isn’t who we’re called to be. The words to this week’s song can be a chorus for our lives when things don’t go exactly how we want them to work. The song starts with a reminder that on our own we are trapped in the tomb we’ve made for ourselves. Every time we look in the mirror we see some flaw or some area that needs improvement.

The chorus to this song says that it wasn’t until God called my name that I finally realized that I was in the prison of my own making. I’m living a life that was never mine to live. I’m trapped in my expectations and filled with the anxiety of not being good enough. But then he called…

And when God calls your name, you just start running. In this case, you start running out of the grave. You don’t look back. You don’t turn your head to see how far you’ve gone. You just run to the voice of the one calling. This isn’t a song about salvation and that we need to decide to follow Jesus. This is a song about you and me realizing that because Jesus has done everything to save us, because he has come to us and called us by name – now we are able to run out of that grave. Now we are able to stand on the foundation of His promises and run on the path he has marked out for us.

It’s time to stop living in the prison of our own shortcomings. It’s time to stop determining our worth by what we see in the mirror or the number on our paycheck. It’s time to realize that our value, our worth is determined by the one who gave everything up for us. And now He is calling your name. He’s calling you to come out of that grave and follow. He’s calling you to lay your burdens down and run after him to see and experience a life that you could never imagine!

Go ahead…run out of that grave!