Ever feel like all is lost? Ever feel like nothing can go right? Ever feel like just throwing in the towel and just giving up? Well, I know the feeling. There are days when it feels like everything I touch just falls apart. Perhaps it’s a word I have spoken that is taken out of context and ends up hurting someone I love. Maybe I didn’t go out of my way to show how much I care quite enough and it’s taken personally. Whatever the trouble, sometimes we just need a little hope. 

This week’s song is about that very day when everything is just going wrong. It’s about that day when nothing seems to be happening the way you planned. When you’re in midst of a firestorm in life there is a source of hope that will drive you through. When you’re underwater in the middle of a terrible storm, there is hope there too.

We all want the same thing when life is getting messy. We want it to go away. We want everything to run smoothly. We want people to leave us alone and for things to get back to some kind of normal. But that’s not always the plan. Sometimes the plan is for us to navigate these stormy waters. Sometimes the plan is for us to walk through the fire and wade through the waters of live.

The hope we have comes from knowing that in the midst of the fire and the storm we’re never alone. We have someone who walks beside us in these horrific times in life. He is always there. No one can take him away. No pain will make him run. There’s not giant in our path too large for him to handle. He’s able to calm the storm and put out the fire but he’s also strong enough to take us through the storm and help us walk through the fire.

I have a hope that’s deep in my soul. It’s a hope that no matter what this world throws at me, it’ll be ok. I know that God has a plan and that plan is ultimately for my benefit. I’m going to mess up. I’m going to be in times of pain and storm but in the end my hope is bigger than the storm. My hope is found in nothing less than Jesus. I pray you have this hope too.