The news media lately has been focusing so much on the recent SCOTUS ruling regarding same-sex unions that there seems to be an increase in negative reactions and even hatred flowing throughout our nation. What happened to the time when we could have a disagreement and deal with it through a healthy conversation? What happened to sitting down face to face and agreeing to disagree but still walking away friends, or at least not enemies?

Perhaps it’s the birth of social media that has brought this infatuation with non-face-to-face communication. Perhaps it’s our desire to use 140 characters to bash someone for their position in life. Maybe it’s our confidence that comes when we’re holding our smartphones or computers. Whatever the reason for our newfound courage to say anything we want in any way that we desire – it needs to come to a screeching halt!

I have to be honest for a minute. Being a bible believing follower of Jesus, I really don’t agree with the whole lifestyle of same-sex relationships. I do believe that marriage should be for one man and one woman. I believe that when SCOTUS made these relationships in all 50 states in a unilateral decision they’ve opened the door for a firestorm that even they didn’t see coming. I am pretty sure that this will be a debate that will only heighten with time as both sides dig in to protect their fortress.6:28title

BUT – here’s what I do know. I know that my beliefs were not compromised in the latest decision. I do know – even though the government of my country made a decision that I don’t agree with I’m still able to live out my calling as a follower of Jesus. I’m still able to speak my belief in a way that demonstrates the way Jesus handle his disagreements. This isn’t the first time the government has allowed something I don’t like, and I’m certain that it won’t be the last!

When Jesus dealt with people in his day, he focus on the person not on the way they chose to live out their lives. Jesus protected a woman who was about to be stoned by reminding the self-centered men nearby that they too had their own sins to deal with. Perhaps we need to drop our stones for a moment and realize that we too have sinned. We too have things for which we need to seek God’s help.

Friends who are in the LGBT community I want you to know that while I don’t agree with the lifestyle choice, it doesn’t mean that I hate you. Actually it means that I care about you even more. I want you to know that Jesus loves you too. It is for you and for me that Jesus came to die and rise. It’s for both of us that God sent his son. Forgiveness is our gift if we just ask for it. But can you please do me a favor. Don’t fuel the fire.

This is something that is hard for many of us to understand. Can you be patient with us? As followers of Jesus, we’re trying to navigate these waters. We’ve never been here before. We’re legitimately trying, well many of us are trying. We’re seeking the ability to live caring lives for all people while not giving in on the things which we believe.

In short, the bible is full of passages that speak of loving our neighbor. Love doesn’t mean that I have to agree with your choice (anymore than you agree with everything that I say and do). It means that I have to see you the way God sees you as His child. He loves you deeply and therefore I’m called to do the same thing. His love for you caused him to send his son, Jesus for you just like he did for me. He loves you and loves me the same way. Friends for now let’s know that we don’t agree but that doesn’t mean that we hate each other. It just means that we don’t agree.