The last couple of weeks have been pretty packed and I haven’t had a chance to write. Writing can be a bit healing for me. Today we’re going to pause for a minute and realize just how amazing God is. In a world that’s filled with pain, hurt, heartache, let downs, depression, sadness, death and so many other negative things swirling around us.

Some days I just like to dream, or imagine. What do you like to imagine? What are the things you like to dream about? Do you dream about things that used to be? Or do you dream about things to come?

This week’s Music Monday comes on the heals of two deaths in the church I serve and ever so patiently waiting on Jesus to let his mercy fall on my grandma and release her from the suffering she’s in during these her final days. It’s also a time when we’re gearing up for one of the most special nights of our lives as we host the 2020 Night to Shine Prom for people with special needs. What a time this is to be in ministry!

But some days, we just need to pause and imagine. We need to imagine what life would be like without the heartache and pain. Today I hope you can pause for about 4 minutes and listen to the song. Then imagine. Imagine the glory. Imagine the dance. Imagine the silence and the joyful noise. Imagine the song and the praise that this day will hold!

Just stop and imagine until the day when your imagination becomes realization.