The title here is pretty direct. There’s no mincing words at this point. It’s bold. It’s direct. And it’s true! This song has become for me a motto, a song that drives my every day. I’m not sure the last day that past when I didn’t have this song playing in my car or at least running through my mind. 

It’s a pretty powerful thought to be able to claim a new identity. In life there are so many things that vie for my attention. I get caught up in my personal aspirations to the point that I sometimes feel that my achievements are what matter most. As a husband and father I sometimes neglect to see the importance of my being a Christian on how I lead my household. As a pastor, it should be obvious but sometimes my decisions and course of action are more in-line with desires and needs than with my path and direction as a follower of Christ.

Think about your day for a minute. What are the things you do each and every day? How does your identity as a follower of Christ change how you approach those mundane moments? How about the big decisions – how does your identity as a Christian change the way you make them? The way we plan our finances looks different as a follower of Christ. Our approach to health and wellness should be colored by the fact that our bodies are temples in which God chooses to dwell today. All of this is shaped by a simple reality – I am a Christian!

The other key to this song is that we’re not there yet. This life is merely a journey to a much greater end. We’re pilgrims walking through this life. We get so hung up in the bumps along the road and the roadblocks we face that we forget the path is still before us. It’s time to walk on my friend! Walk on when the road gets rough. Walk on when the clouds cover the sun. Walk on when you feel alone. Walk on when you don’t know which way to go. Walk on when you feel weak. Walk on when everything is going right! Walk on! Just walk on no matter what today brings.

I am a Christian. There’s no hiding it. There’s no secret to that saying. I just hope and pray that my daily walk let’s others see this without me having to say a single word. So how will you walk on today?