There are three small words that many of us say and many of us long to hear. These three words are some of the most powerful words in our language that when put together can change someone’s perspective on life. As powerful as these words are, in our lives as married couples, we don’t always hear them when they are said. Do you know how your spouse says these three words? 

Ok, you probably figured it out already but the words we’re talking about here are the words I love you. Now before you click to the next thing in your list of things to read give me a second. These words are powerful, but men and women hear them differently. Men hear these words and they kind of get put on a shelf where they stay. Now this is a super huge overgeneralization but in many cases when a man hears from his significant other the words I love you, the assumption is made that it she means it until she says otherwise. But women approach it quite differently.

Studies have shown, and books have been written, on how a female needs to hear the words over and over again. Just because he says it doesn’t mean he still means it. The woman knows he said it but continues to wonder if he still means it.

As men and women, we need to find ways that our significant others are saying these words without saying them. There are tons of ways that we can be saying these three simple words, but the problem is many times they aren’t heard.

Take for instance the little things she does around the house. Maybe she is the one who always has dinner planned out and made. Ever think that’s her saying I love you? Or what about the way the lawn is always mowed and you never have to think about it? Could that be him saying I love you? Maybe he is an early riser and you’re not, so he is super quiet so as to not wake you. Yep, that’s right another I love you.

Do you hear it? Can you interpret these little gestures as ways that your spouse or significant other are saying these words through their actions? What about you – how do you best say these three little but extremely significant words?

Life gets crazy and sometimes these three little words seem like add-ons to our day or little gimmes when we leave for work or go to bed, but if we open our eyes to the ways our significant other lives we just might see them saying I love you way more often than we realized.