This season of life has been the busiest that I think I’ve ever experienced. In conversations with many people in many different fields it seems as if everyone is busier than ever before. Our homes have become more than just a safe place to live. Now our homes are our offices, school classrooms, gyms, meeting rooms, virtual hangouts, counseling centers, movie theaters, and restaurants. So how do we disconnect when our home fills every aspect of life? How do we disconnect from reality when reality has now invaded our homes?

The bible teaches a principle that might prove helpful for us here. It’s something called the Sabbath. The idea behind the Sabbath for many people was the concept of taking a day and doing nothing. It was believed that you had to basically lay around and take a nap all day and not even lift a finger. The sabbath became more of a rule than a command to help us find blessing.

The purpose of the Sabbath command wasn’t to add a restriction to our lives or to keep us from living life. As a matter of fact, the command to rest and remember was given so that we could better enjoy and appreciate life. In our fast paced, ever moving world stopping to recenter ourselves is absolutely critical.

So this week I want to challenge you to pause from your daily routine for just a little bit. Think about what energizes you. What helps you regain focus and gain clarity? Do that. The idea behind the Sabbath is that you recenter yourself around the grace and mercy of God. If you’re not a Jesus person, you still need to find center. Ideally, I’d love if you’d find that center in Christ but I still care about your mental health so find center. Pause. Rest. I’ve heard it said somewhere that we need to not only rest from our work but work from our rest.