Christmas is one of those unique and special times of year that remind us that there is hope. Even when life throws us a curve ball and things just don’t go quite as planned, there’s hope. This Christmas chances are there will be something happen out of the normal. Chances are someone will do or say something to you that makes you question everything. How will you react? How will you find your way through it all? 

The simple answer is hope. But what is hope anyway? We talk about it like it’s a wish. We refer to it like we’re throwing a penny in a fountain or blowing out our candles and asking for a bicycle or something. But hope is much deep than that. Hope is more concrete than a simple wish. Hope is grounded in a certainty and an assurance that even though the world lets you down things will work out.

Where do you place your hope? What drives you through these days when the pressures of life just seem to mount up on you? Where do you turn to get a little relief? Whether you’re a back away and hide kind of person or a carry the world on your shoulders kind of person, we need find our hope outside of ourselves. We need to get in touch with the purpose God has for us. This season of Christmas live in the reality that hope was born on Christmas. The reason for our hope isn’t in our accomplishments or abilities but it’s in our rest in Jesus’ arms.

This Christmas my prayer for you is that you find rest for your soul in the Hope that was born this Christmas night.