Imagine the darkest night you’ve ever experienced. The sun has set. The moon isn’t shining. The stars are mysteriously absent. Now picture a sunrise bursting across the horizon, chasing away every shadow. Not just any sunrise either. This is the fastest, most complete sunrise you can imagine. Dark to full sunshine in the blink of an eye. That’s what Isaiah describes when he says, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light.” Jesus is that light!
Isaiah prophesied about a child born to bring peace, justice, and righteousness to the world. And boy did they need it! Israel had fallen into the hands of foreign nations over and over again. They went their own way, walking away from God’s command, only to find themselves in a pile of…well you know. This wasn’t just good news for Israel—it’s for everyone!
The promise of light breaking into the darkness was for all people, not just those who were part of Israel. The season of Advent reminds us that Jesus’ love shines far beyond our little corner of the world. It shines through us into every relationship we have.
Reflection: How can you be a “light” to those around you this Advent season?
Application: Let’s reflect Christ’s light through acts of kindness, making the world a little brighter.
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