
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying home is where your heart is. This simple statement is probably more true than you might realize. There are places that seem to capture our heart more than others. For many of us it is our childhood home. We love that home because it is the marker for protection and safety. It reminds us of all the times when we had little to no cares because our parents took care of everything.

The older we grow, the more we long to go home. When our mental faculties begin to fade the only thing we can remember is home. It’s painful to hear your aging loved ones ask to go home. It hurts because they don’t know for what they ask. It’s not the place anymore that they request but rather the safety and security of those days, simpler days, days when everything worked. But the home they seek isn’t one that exists anymore. They seek a home that is not of this world.

There’s an old hymn that contains the lyrics I’m but a stranger here, heaven is my home. There are some days in which these words seem more true than others. Some days it feels as if this is  not the same world we remember from our childhood. There are days when the world seems so far gone that it’s almost hopeless.

There are days when we, as Christians, will just long to go home.  But where is home? What is it that we seek when we long for home? This week we hear words of hope for a home that still exists. We hear the words of a home that was built specifically for us. A home that has peace. A home that has no suffering. A home where our bodies no longer ache. A home where our needs and our wants are cared for by a loving Father.

The day is coming when we will finally be home. But for now, we look forward to that home but live today. My personal mission statement is Living for eternity today. To me, that means everything I do, every word I speak, every meeting I schedule and every conversation I have is for one purpose – that God’s kingdom might come and be present today. I want to live my life today in a way that will echo the eternity of Jesus in the places where I live, work and play.

As you listen to this week’s song, think about that home. Ask God how you can make a little bit of that home a reality in your life today.