Sometimes we need to just stop and reflect a bit. This is a great song to help with that. Many of the songs I like to listen to are fast, upbeat, and really drive. But this one is a little different, OK a LOT different.

Ever have one of those days that just seem to go on forever? The type of day that makes you wonder why you even woke up. Perhaps you’ve had a string of those kind of days in a row making you wonder why you are even here. Perhaps you just feel broken. A loved one is sick. You just found out that the raise you were expecting is just not going to happen. You can’t pay this month’s bills. You try so hard but just can’t seem to get on top of things. 

Take a moment and unload all of that stuff. Say a little prayer right here, right now. Ask Jesus to take these things from you. Then listen to the song below. As you listen remember that Jesus is someone we cling to for our salvation. He’s our king of glory. He’s the one who did it all to save us for eternity. But he’s also here to hold us in our darkest moments. He’s the one who is willing to sit beside us when the walls of life come crashing down.

Take a deep breath. Click the play button below and let this song be your prayer.