Life has its ups and downs that’s for sure! Some days you’re flying on top of the world and then other days you just hit bottom so hard you’re not sure the ground can even stop you. Some days you wake up and wonder if you could be any grouchier. Some days you just want to hit the restart button and go back to the beginning or the fast forward button to just get it over with already!

Today’s #musicmonday is a fun song that help us know that even when life throws us a bit of a curveball there’s someone who will bring a smile to our faces. While there may be people in our lives who just thinking of them makes the day go a little better this song is one that reminds we’re never alone. I know that lately for me just looking at the sky proves a pretty rewarding task. As I look to the sky, no matter what the weather’s like, I see something of God.

On a recent flight to Phoenix for a conference, I noticed as the plane was ascending to its cruising altitude that the clouds just kind of enveloped the plane. It was a reminder to me that wherever I go, whether on the ground or even flying at nearly 30,000 feet in the air, there’s no place I can go where God can’t love me. Now clouds have a whole new meaning for me. They serve as constant reminders that I’m cared for, that I’m never alone, that I have people who are always there to help me, and a God who never gives up on me even when I’m not worth pursuing.

When we understand that God is always holding us, it makes some of life a little more bearable. When we understand that it’s God who is holding the last thread of our lives in place so we don’t unravel beyond recognition we should find some sort of comfort. So maybe you’ll see a cloud in the sky today. Maybe you’ll feel the wind blowing through the atmosphere. For you maybe it’s the sun or maybe it’s a star in the sky. Whatever it is, know that you are surrounded by a God who desires to hold you close and by people who love you beyond words.

Let God flip your day upside down. Let Him put your airborne feet back on the ground. And just be held by the one who has the power to calm your storm. Jesus hold us today.