Life is full of ups and downs. I’m pretty sure we can all agree to that. Some days it seems like everything is going wrong. Then the next it seems as if we’re King Midas and everything we touch turns to gold (figuratively of course). But the more we experience these ups and downs in life, the harder life becomes.

It seems the older I get the more of a gap there is between the good and the bad days. Perhaps it’s because most of the bad days are due to broken relationships that I didn’t realize were broken. Perhaps it’s because I have grown to count on certain things in life and when they stop working the way I have determined in my mind the valley seems lower.

This week I have no idea what your life will bring. I have no idea if you’re on a mountain top or sitting with tear-filled eyes in the bottom of the valley. But one thing I do know, you’re not alone. I’ve grown to love this song Hills and Valleys. Perhaps it’s because it’s upbeat. Perhaps it’s because of the singer is one of those lesser known artists who is on a trajectory for stardom. But more likely it’s because the message of the song is so powerful. Think about it…

When you’re on the mountain top and all is going well, who’s there to celebrate with you? Or when you’re in the valley and life just sucks, who’s right there beside you never letting you go through a rough moment in despair? Yep the same one – Jesus. He promises over and over in the pages of the bible that he’ll never leave us or turn away from us. The story of the Bible is God’s relentless pursuit of his wayward children – that’s you and me by the way.

Sometimes we see God right there, not in some weird dream or bright light but in the answered prayers and just miraculous things that happen to us. But sometimes he shows up in a less conspicuous way. Maybe he’s there in a friend that checks in unexpectedly to see how you’re getting along. He’s there in your family that surround you when life is great and pick you up when all is falling apart. He’s there in every beautiful sunrise and in every gentle breeze that moves the leaves.

Hills and valleys – it doesn’t matter where you are he’s right there with you. I hope you find Jesus in your life today. He’s been looking for you and wants to make himself known to you today.