This week we experience highs and lows. The beauty of spring sunshine is all too often overshadowed by the sogginess of rain clouds. Our days are joyful then sad and back again. Life is all too often like a rollercoaster that we didn’t want to ride! None of us begged to be born. None of us begged for the struggles in life. None of us pleaded for the challenges we face. So how do you manage when the pressures of life seem overwhelming? 

He lives. It’s really that simple. He lives.

As much as we would like to believe that our lives are about us, we have to admit that is just not the case. Our best laid plans fall apart. Friendships fail us. Families fight. Even churches live in conflict. What’s the point? If life isn’t about the stuff we see everyday then what’s the point of it all?

As a follow of Jesus I’m a little biased toward my thoughts on this one. Life isn’t about us. Life is about Jesus. Life is about the one who set the world on axis. Life is about the one who helps us see beyond today. The bible tells us that He knows the hairs on our head. Let that sink in for a minute. You love your spouse or your children, but do you know how many hairs are on their head? Probably not! But there’s one who cares enough for you to know that. And if he knows the hairs on your head then in all certainty, he knows everything about you.

This week we journey from the shouts of praise to the cries of hatred that Jesus heard. We stand on the side of the road and shout Hosanna! only to turn around and shake our fist when things don’t go the way we want them to go. He still lives.

I am reminded of something a friend named Justin once told me. He said, Just because someone doesn’t believe it, doesn’t make it less true. This week some will celebrate Easter for the candy and the eggs and the bunny and all that fun stuff. And in all honesty it’s ok to celebrate that. But we can’t stop there. We must not stop there! There’s so much more to Easter than a plastic egg that will eventually be empty and will likely crack.

Easter is about life. It’s about Jesus’ life and the way that impacts  your life. So don’t fret over those who can’t see the joys of Easter. Let them celebrate the bunny and the eggs, but remind them of the true power this Easter.

If you’re hunting for more this Easter, I invite you to join us at Living Word Galena for a celebration that’s about more than egg. If you’re not near us, then find a church so that you too can hear the hope that comes from something more than just the fun stuff this Easter.

Happy Easter! He LIVES!