Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did you watch it for the game? Or did you watch it trying to see what the best commercial would be this year? I always loved the creativity exhibited when these ad executives would throw everything they had to communicate the value of the product they were selling. Some were fantastic! Other’s really left me curious what they were thinking.

This year I had a houseful of youth and their families. We ate. We talked. We watched the game and some of the commercials. I didn’t pay a ton of attention to the whole thing as I was just enjoying being around these people.

But I did see something. There were two commercials on during the game from a relatively new campaign. They weren’t selling anything. No product was highlighted. And to be honest there wasn’t a creative gimmick they were using either. The commercials were black and white. Very quiet. And a simple phrase ended the commercial.

He gets us.

The commercials were about Jesus. They were trying to communicate something about God. He gets us. Simple and to the point. He’s not some aloof being that has no ability to know the pains and struggles of men and women. He gets us. Where many of us have been, he has been as well.

But there’s a problem. It’s not a problem with the commercials. It’s a problem with how they’re being received. Nope, not by the general population of the world either. By some people in the church.

Ok before someone goes off half cracked and tries to convince me that the commercials were lacking something – I know! That was the point! The point of the commercial was to give you and me as followers of Jesus an open door and a conversation starter. You’re welcome.

The average church in North America is dwindling in size. People are exiting the church because they don’t feel the church (and guilt by association Jesus) cares. Enter He Gets Us. The commercial demonstrates a different reality. Jesus not only cares but he gets it. He gets the feelings and the hurts and the distance and the loneliness and the hatred and division. He gets us. Not he gets it. He gets us.

If you want someone to tell the people in the world around you about the wonders of Jesus as savior who died and rose, then go for it! No one is stopping you. Engage in conversations at the coffee shop. Talk to the cashier at the grocery store. Be the hands and feet of Jesus to the widow across the street. But don’t blast an ad agency for sharing a sliver of who Jesus was.

The more that churchy people blast one another and even this campaign, the more we’re going to prove the world around us right. For the first time in who knows how long, the majority of Americans no longer identify as Christians. And here we are griping about a commercial that says in the midst of your pain Jesus gets you. How about we take that open door and answer the questions people are asking? How about instead of complaining because they missed something, we build on the 30 second ad and share the rest of the story?

Maybe you have a better idea for how to do the job? That’s great! Then do it. No one is stopping you. Go door to door. Talk to the people around you. Share the story of God’s love and forgiveness. Be creative or not. But let’s stop looking for the worst in a situation.

He gets us even those of us who make life hard on others. He gets us even those who can’t see an opportunity right in front of us. He gets us when we miss the opportunity to build on a movement right in front of us. He gets us but there’s so much more to the story! Wanna know? Just ask.