Sometimes life seems like you just can’t keep your head above water. The demands of life keep crashing in like the tide hitting the beach. It seems like when we just get ahead a little bit that another wave is pushing right behind the last one. As I write this post I’m still trying to figure out the reason behind daylight savings. I was sitting in the office and realized that one clock wasn’t changed. And yep that’s the clock we were using to determine the length of our conversation. Needless to say a frantic pace ensued as soon as we determined that we were a whole 60 minutes off! 

We rush through life thinking the faster we go, the more we tackle, the more items we check off our to-do list – the better we’ll feel. It’s when these times come crashing in and we have nowhere else to turn that we find ourselves ready to give up. Generally, this is the time when many people will find themselves face to face with the need for God. They drop to their knees because that’s where we’re taught to find him.

We tell him what’s wrong, but deep inside we know that he already knows. We only tell him the things that we’re comfortable telling him though. I mean really, how often do we really go rummaging through the storage closet in our lives to dig out all of the crap and give it to God? We think: We don’t need to bother him with that. Well, he’d never accept me if he knew that part of my life. I can’t share that because that was really embarrassing! 

Well, here’s some news for you – he already knows and yet he still cares for you and loves you the same. Every new day is a day to give it all back to God. It’s a day when we can give him everything. Every problem you’re carrying, he wants to take from you. Every pain you’re feeling, he wants you to let him have it. Every fear that keeps you up at night, Jesus has already dealt with it. Every moment of loneliness, he promises to walk with you through it. So today, instead of trying to push a little harder and just make it through why not let him have everything so you can live the life he wants you to live!