living for eternity today

Hammocks and Jesus

Have you ever laid in a hammock? Some people love them. Basking in the sun on a warm summer day. A light breeze blowing. The birds are chirping in the trees. Every once in a while you hear an airplane doing a pass above the skies. And as you take a deep breath you smell the aroma of fresh cut grass.

Man almost takes you to a different place doesn’t it? Some people just love a good rest in a hammock! But I’m not one of those people. There’s something about hammocks that cause me trouble. You need to be able to sit still. And if you know me, I don’t sit still very well.

For some hammocks are a wonderful moment of rest and relaxation. For people like me, they’re a death trap waiting to throw you to the ground and laugh at you while they spin around in an untamed fashion.

Ok so maybe I’m slightly over exaggerating here. Still I’m not a fan. I’m also not a beach fan or nap fan either. But that’s not the point.

Even though I don’t do hammocks, I think they can teach a little bit about Jesus. As I was reading through Romans 8 recently, I got a bit of an image run through my mind. I think in pictures if you didn’t know.

I started to see the image of a hammock. And instead of the hammock representing a nice summer rest, I saw it as a picture of my salvation in Jesus. I started to think of the reasons I don’t care for hammocks. I have a hard time laying still so they tend to throw me out.

Then it hit me. That’s kind of like salvation. Not that Jesus throws me out when I don’t rest. It’s the fact that the more I struggle and fight and work for my salvation, the harder it is to appreciate and live in it.

When I struggle in a hammock I fall out and hurt myself. When, instead of resting in what Jesus did for me to save me, I try to be a good enough person to earn God’s love or work hard to somehow help God save me, I find myself falling out of love with God. When I see my work as something that helps God save me, I never find rest. I fight against the hammock. And while I can’t make God love me any less, I sure can lessen the power of God’s salvation in my life.

I guess the point here is that no matter what you personality we all need to rest in the finished work of Jesus. Anytime we try to add anything, even our own good works or loving efforts, to what Jesus did we set ourselves up to fall out of that hammock. Jesus plus anything is nothing.

Today, find yourself a hammock. A real one or a figurative one. A place to rest and just revel in the wonders of God’s love for you. Let him hold you. Let him be the one who has today under control. Enjoy the love and mercy of a God who has even this day in his hand.

1 Comment

  1. Joan Meyer

    Enjoyed God and His wonderful creation this morning on my front porch with Jonathan Cahn’s “The Book of Mysteries” in hand. Amazing how God weaves everything together. Amazing to watch nature.

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